
Microsoft Hyper-V 虚拟磁盘性能文档

今天拜读了微软2010年发布的虚拟磁盘性能文档。在这个文档中,从虚拟磁盘的实现原理仔细分析和比较了VHD虚拟磁盘的性能,在Windows Server 2008和Windows Server 2008 R2 VHD的IO速度提升明显,在数据读写,虚拟文件创建等方面都有不同的比较。这篇文章很适合于从事虚拟化和私有云研究的专业读者,对于了解虚拟磁盘的底层实现原理很都有裨益!




1. Introduction 4
2. Performance Measurement Methodologies 6
A. Test Details 6
Choice of Targets: Raw Disk vs. Regular File vs. VHD 6
Windows hypervisor impact on performance measurement 7
Choice of Workloads 7
Choice of Performance Metrics 8
Choice of Target File Size 9
Choice of Data Block Size 9
Choice of VHD Attach Mode 9
Reducing variation in measurements 10
B. Test tools 10
C. Server Platform and Operating System 10
D. Storage Platform Settings 10
Storage Platform Hardware Settings 10
Storage Platform Software Settings 11
E. Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) Details 12
F. File System and Volume Settings 14
3. Comparison of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 VHD Performance 15
G. Fixed Virtual Hard Disk creation speed 15
H. Fixed Sized VHD Performance Comparison 16
SQL Server Log Workload 16
Exchange Server Workload 17
I. Dynamically Expanding VHD Performance Comparison 18
Media Streaming Workload 19
Online Transaction Processing Workload 20
J. Differencing VHD Performance Comparison 21
Web Server Log Workload 22
Decision Support System Database Workload 23
Performance Impact of Differencing Chain Length 24
4. Comparison of Native and Virtual Machine VHD Performance 25
K. Hyper-V Virtual Machine Performance Testing Settings 25
5. Comparison of VHD type performance [fixed sized vs. dynamically expanding vs. differencing] 28
6. How to choose your Hyper-V and VHD Storage Container Format 30
7. Summary of supported and practical limits 32
8. Closing 34
9. Acknowledgements 35
10. References 35