
Network Isolation using Group Policy and IPSec

In my inbox this morning and worth posting up are a series of three webcasts coming up over the next couple of weeks about using Group Policy and IPSec for Network Isolation - something I'm still looking for time to implement at home. Details are below.

Network Isolation Using Group Policy and IPsec (Part 1 of 3) (Level 300)
Monday, February 20, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time (5-6PM UK Time)

Data Isolation: How can it make your information technology (IT) infrastructure safer, and how do you use Group Policy and Internet Protocol security (IPsec) to implement it? This three-part webcast series shows how to implement data isolation in your organization using Group Policy and IPsec. This first webcast provides an overview of the nature of Internet Protocol security. Learn how IPsec can help manage the challenges to secure network communication and the various ways you can implement IPsec to achieve different types of secure communication. The second webcast of this series continues the discussion with a look at how to use IPsec to create network isolation zones.



Network Isolation Using Group Policy and IPSec (Part 2 of 3) (Level 300)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Building on the overview of Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) provided in Part One of this three-part series, Part Two shows how to use IPSec to create network isolation zones. Topics include the advantages and limitations of network isolation, where network isolation fits into a defense-in-depth scheme, and how to use group policies and Microsoft Active Directory groups to restrict access to specific servers. Part Three offers guidance on how best to apply these concepts in the context of several network isolation scenarios.



Network Isolation Using Group Policy and IPsec (Part 3 of 3) (Level 300)
Friday, February 24, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Building on the overview of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) that we presented in Part One of this series, this second webcast shows how to use IPsec to create network isolation zones. Topics include the advantages and limitations of network isolation, where network isolation fits into a defense-in-depth scheme, and how to use Group Policy and Microsoft Active Directory groups to restrict access to specific servers. The series concludes in Part Three by offering guidance on how best to apply these concepts in the context of several network isolation scenarios.
