
Windows 8 Resources & Links to get started quickly

What you need:

  1. Create a bootable USB? jerrynixon.com
  2. Setup boot to VHD? jerrynixon.com
  3. Get an Azure account? https://aka.ms/w8cloud
  4. Get Windows 8? https://aka.ms/w8download
  5. Get Visual Studio 2012? https://aka.ms/w8tools
  6. Get Windows Live SDK? https://aka.ms/w8live
  7. Get Windows 8 Samples? https://aka.ms/w8samples
  8. Get Multiligual Toolkit? https://aka.ms/w8language
  9. Get Advertising SDK? https://aka.ms/w8ads
  10. Get Design Assets? https://aka.ms/w8design
  11. Register your App? https://aka.ms/w8reg
  12. Join 30 to Launch? https://aka.ms/w8launch
  13. View the online labs? https://aka.ms/w8vlabs

Here’s a cheat sheet!

Windows 8 Resources and Links Cheat Sheet

Some XAML articles I have written:

  1. Settings Panel (soon)
  2. Location API
  3. Read / Write files
  4. Bing Maps
  5. Bing Search Service
  6. Yahoo Geocoding Service
  7. Yahoo Search Service
  8. Yelp Service
  9. Animate a pie slice