MS-DOS 5.0 and Windows 386 Promo Videos!
Check these out! Too Funny!
MS-DOS 5.0 Video
Windows 386 Video
Technorati Tags: Comedy, Old OS
Cheers, Jeffa
January 01, 2003
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January 01, 2003
いきなりなんのことやら?というタイトルですが、MS オーストラリアの IT Pro エバンジェリストである Jeff Alexander 氏の blog に MS-DOS 5.0 と Windows 386Anonymous
January 01, 2003
I am working on my presentation for the open house at Microsoft's, and I'm looking for a promotionalAnonymous
October 02, 2007
Did you watch Steve Ballmer's ad? Windows 1.0 is cool ;-)