
Windows 10 VDI Optimization Script

Hello party people!

Dude here. Carl Luberti has worked some scriptastic magic on WIndows 10 to make it a friendly (er) VM guest for VDI. Edit - non-persistent pooled VMs may have issues. Undocumented/untested/etc.

Twitter post is here  and includes a nice picture I took at Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia.

If you prefer to go straight to the meat and potatoes, the script is now hosted in GitHub:

Carl's VDI Repo

And what has the dude been listening to lately? What have I been up to, one might ask?

I fell in February actually and fractured my skull. I am recovering from a head concussion still and therefore don't have a lot of interesting things to report, other than, well, mistakes I make at work because I can't remember things?

Yay me?

Oh hey I did a VDI webinar with eGinnovations, you can see it here.

And check this out as well (not me but neat). Unidesk has some real magic to show you on VDI.

And what have I been listening to?

Right now, out of character for me, is Boz Scaggs and Duane Allman, singing Loan Me a Dime.


  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2015
    Today I found a new, unfortunate side effect of the script. It seems the script breaks the "Add a Printer" function on the host you ran it on. When you click "Add a printer" a windows appears for a brief moment then disappears again.
  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2015
    I see the same issue with the Add a Printer and Add a Device buttons after running the script on Windows 10 Enterprise.
  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2016
    the fix for the printer issue is to re-enable the Device Setup Manager service (DsmSvc) and set it to automatic. While you are at it, you might as well re-enable the Windows Search service too, that would drive me mad not being able to search from the start menu...
  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2016
    The idea here is in VDI you provision the printers via GPO or somesuch, not users adding them. WRT search, I personally agree. However be ready for a perf hit on CPU/IO ok?
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2016
    I tried the latest version in his GItHub of this, and it works fantastic except that I no longer have the ability to do "run as administrator" from the start menu, it appears that consent.exe fires but it never pops up on the screen.It also seems to have issue with shutdown, if you say restart it instantly goes to spinning circle and Please wait that is displayed normally after logging on.I am attempting to use this on the Enterprise anniversary update version. Any ideas which option could be raising problems with the "run as" function?
  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2017
    In this page where is the SCRIPT for win10????
  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2017
    Hi, It's there already the Windows 10 script somewhere?thank you
    • Anonymous
      November 09, 2017
      GithubNot sure it works though, for 10.https://github.com/cluberti/VDI/blob/master/ConfigAsVDI.ps1
  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2018
    Anyone having an issue with renaming folders after One Drive is removed? If so have you come up with a fix.