
Security it is All our responsiblity

I came across at the weekend a really interesting article on Wserver News   The  article that caught my eye talks not only about Bump Keys, but also the physical security, or lack of it for laptop locks. It certainly made me sit back and think, especially after reading Stephen Lambs blog on "where do you start when considering Information Security ". I know it is absolutely vital to consider Hackers,Malicious damage, and all manner of threats externally and internally, and do your utmost to mitigate and identify you most precious assets, data and software .However as these couple of videos show, physical security of your physical computer assets is also vital ! and it is all our responsibility This also made me sit back and think about the amount of Company Confidential information it is possible to carry around on our Smartphones and PocketPcs. On this note I think Exchange 2007 has made some great strides in providing some tools in a companies armoury to safeguard their Comercial in Confidence Information. The Exchange Management Console allows an Administrator to Remote Wipe a Mobile device, upon notification that this device has been mislaid or stolen -no need to install a seperate Web Utility as it is built into the console. Also a user has an opportunity to remote wipe their device themselves via Outlook Web Access 2007, which is a great new feature.  No need for any Exchange Administrative Permissions in Exchange. Furthermore, to save a few red faces if the device is found, the user can delete the association of the device with his\her mailbox, reconfigure Activesync and then Resynchronise the Mobile device with all the Server side settings, e.g. (Contacts Mailbox Tasks Calendar), without having to raise another help desk call. That is what I call self sufficient ! For me who probably "loses" their phone at least 3 times a week, a good face saver !. If you want to hear some great information about the new Mobility Functionality in Exchange 2007 check out the following video posted on you had me at EHLO. Here you can see and listen to Max Ciccotosto talk about some of the new features and functionality.
