
Songsmith – there goes a chunk more time !

Embarrassing personal revelation time. I sing in the car, in silly voices. Anyone who hasn’t heard me doing “Winston Churchill sings Dido’s ‘White Flag’” has had a lucky escape. I mention this because the folks in Microsoft research seem to have been putting something together for people with as little singing ability as me.

Watching the FriendFeed that went on during SteveB’s CES keynote in the small hours of this morning there was a plaintive howl from Long Zheng “He didn’t talk about Songsmith, but it made the press release”. What the heck is Songsmith ? Which press release because I couldn’t find it. Well it’s up there now. I hate it when something comes along and says “You know you haven’t go time for this … and yet you’re not going to be able to resist”.  My sister is a part-time evanglist for Korg’s Kaoscilator  - I’ve got one thanks to her – and I’m already wondering about the possibilities of combining it with songsmith. Normally parents get wound up by kids making music – in my household it could be the other way round.

There's a nice video at the MSR SongSmith page but I don't seem to be able to embed it here. Go look, but only if you don't have a pressing deadline !

Technorati Tags: SongSmith


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Amazing how a Picture goes around , I found it on Eileen’s blog she found it on Jon’s blog .  Doing