
MongoDB Experts video series

MS Open Tech is pleased to announce a new series of videos on Channel 9 that covers MongoDB topics for developers working on Windows Azure and Windows. Each video in the series features insights from one of the MongoDB experts at 10gen, the leader in MongoDB development, support, training and consulting.

The first three videos in the series have been posted, and more are coming soon. Here’s what has been covered in the first videos in the series …

imageMongoDB Overview with Jared Rosoff provides a high-level overview of the approach that MongoDB takes for delivering highly scalable read and write operations. If you’re entirely new to MongoDB, this is the place to start. MongoDB is one of many database platforms that are often grouped together as “NoSQL databases,” but each NoSQL database has its own unique philosophy and personality. In this video, you’ll get a feel for MongoDB’s personality.

imageMongoDB Replica Sets with Sridhar Nanjundeswaran covers the key concept at the heart of MongoDB scalability: replica sets, which are groups of MongoDB servers that can provide high availability and performance even in the face of failures at the network and hardware level. MongoDB replica sets are easy to set up and deploy, and Sridhar sets up a simple replica set from scratch and then shows how it gracefully handles various failover scenarios

imageMongoDB C#/.NET Driver with Robert Stam is a hands-on look at how to do common database operations in C# through use of the C#/.NET driver from 10gen. Robert is the developer of the driver, and in this video he shows how to create, read, update and delete documents in MongoDB collections.

MS Open Tech has been working closely with 10gen to improve the MongoDB experience on Windows Azure, and we’re working together on a variety of new initiatives to continue on that path. Future videos will cover the results of that work, as well as advanced topics related to the current videos (for example, Linq support in the C#/.NET driver) and other topics of interest to developers who are working with MongoDB on Windows Azure.

Stay tuned, and if there are MongoDB/Azure topics you’d be interested in seeing covered in this series please let us know!