
Apache Qpid Proton AMQP libraries now available for Windows.

Back in November Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. announced that Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0 was approved as an OASIS Standard.  AMQP 1.0 enables interoperability using wire-level messaging between compliant clients and brokers. Applications can achieve full-fidelity message exchange between components built in multiple languages and frameworks and running on different operating systems.  

Today we’re happy to share the news that the Apache Qpid Proton C AMQP library has been updated to support Windows. Proton C also includes bindings for several interpreted languages including PHP, Python, Ruby and Perl, all of which can now be used on Windows.

UPDATE 04/18/2013 - The following paragraph was in error. The Windows Proton libraries do not work with the latest preview release of service bus due to lack of SSL support. We apologize for the error. 

These Proton clients can be used in conjunction with Windows Azure Service Bus, which introduced support for AMQP 1.0 as a preview feature last October, with GA planned later this year. Applications can use AMQP to access the queuing and publish/subscribe brokered messaging features. Service Bus is a multi-protocol service, so in addition to AMQP, applications can also use REST/HTTP to access Service Bus from any platform.

For more information, check out the official OASIS site, this developer’s guide, and downloads(the 0.4 version supports Windows) for Qpid Proton. MS Open Tech was one of many contributors to this project, and we appreciate all the work that the community is doing to help developers take full advantage of AMQP across many different languages, frameworks, and platforms.