
Google steals Bing search results Google uses Bing search results, fat boy fat burning furnace, torsoraphy, tarsorrhapy, hiybbprqag, delhipublicschool40, chdjob, juegosdeben1ogrande

[ed. Just after this article was released, we got the first result in google for: http://www.google.com/search?q=google+steals+the+word+stupid. Does this mean they are now stealing the word stupid and all of the results? :-)]

What's the difference between lying, cheating and stealing? Clearly the folks at elgoog don't seem to understand that difference yet. Or even what they could mean. And what they have created is a great big Fat Boy, or should I say Fat Burning Furnace Fat Boy SEO scam out of nothing.

For those of you who haven't followed this insanely odd, stupid diputs blog, you may need a little background. One of our favorite games to play in this blog is to influence search engine results. Up or down. Sideways. And to do it with stupid words like or similar to; torsoraphy, tarsorrhapy, hiybbprqag, delhipublicschool40, chdjob, juegosdeben1ogrande, and of course the Fat Boy Fat Burning furnace scam. But we do it to teach and protect the innocent about scams that may hurt them. Our intent is to educate the masses about SEO and other search engine optimization techniques. Not to hurt. Ever. Period.

So let me dummy this down. Not unlike the games we play here, Google for whatever reason decided to push garbage into the Bing search engine. I can just hear it in the cafeteria somewhere, "Hey George, wouldn't it be cool if we could make Microsoft look stupid?" "And claim at the same time that they were stealing?"

Seriously, let me be clear. I have no idea what anyone's motivation in any of this is. I don't have any of that information. I just don't know. That is going to have to be left up to the bean counters and ambulance chasers. But I do know a bit about search, and my not so fat mom always taught me that cheating and lying are different than stealing. And they are all bad.

In the end, in real life, and in search, it is all about associations. Who we associate with, and what we associate search words with. They have associated a set of nonsense words with a process that helps improve result ranking. So what? Big fat hairy deal. Home owners associations are on this blog associated with death and other silly things. So what?

But that is not stealing. That is playing games. What they are really saying is that I am going to associate myself with people who play games with search engines. And since I own a search engine, it will be even more fun. What ever happened to do no harm. I just don't get it.

Let me put it this way, if Bing really was stealing results (or lying or cheating), then all or most of the results would be the same (never mind the massive amounts of search log entries that would be coming from Washington).

Especially for common searches like "Facebook". If extracting content from crawled web pages, user clicks, toolbar information, SEO data from browser cookies, is stealing, then every one and every search engine is stealing. Including Google. But that isn't what they are saying. The folks at elgoog are claiming that Bing is stealing "their" search results. And the only way that I know how to do that is to point your search engine at elgoog and then return everything that they return. Now that would be stealing.

But the truth is that this is not what Elgoogis really and in real life doing.

What is it Inoun that they are doing? Tell us. 

I am glad you asked. What they were really quite possibly doing is stuffing information into an Bing extraction process, and intentionally or unintentionally, they were able to force the results to be the number one hit. By which proces and how, I don't know. And to which I say. So what? Yada, yada, yada. Yawn.

Take a look at any of the search games and links on the right hand side of any page in this blog and you will quickly see how this can be done. So what? And that is completely different than stealing results. Changing a search engine's results page and forcing a number one result is well, simple. And stupid. On this blog, time and time again, we have shown how to get the number one result in any search engine. Especially diputs words. So what? Stuff garbage into a search algorithm. In other words cheat the system. And then report on it. "Hey I cheated the system. I got Bing to show something that is completely stupid."

I don't know, the whole thing really does seem somewhat, stupid to me.

But that is not what Elgoog has implied. They have implied theft. Is Bing stealing results? No. How could they be without pointing their engine at Google? And that is a pretty big claim. Stealing. And claiming theft well, when it isn't theft, is well, much much worse. Because not only would that be a lie, it would also be an attempt to tarnish someone's good name. And that would be really sad. Because that never ends well for anyone. Except the lawyers.

And that is all I personally, and only me Inoun and the three of us, me myself and I, have to say about it. I will leave the rest up to the ambulance, bean chasing, counter hairy fat boy types. And in this case, the idiots that allowed the story to be released in the first place.



  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2011
    Mate, you are an idiot. Google proved that Bing was using Google's search to return results. The end.

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2011
    Please read this: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/microsofts-bing-uses-google-search.html [ed. Thanks for the info.  And yes, I do fundamentally understand the premise and argument here.  In fact, early on, this was one of the first articles that I read.  The inoun readers have been following this very closely and there has been a significant interest around this topic.  I will be writing a new entry specifically to answer the issues you bring up.]