
Upcoming MVP Workshop in Dublin on Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and the Cloud

FREE SharePoint training – Dublin 18th April (08:30 – 15:30)


AvePoint is pleased to present a very special MVP workshop on Thursday, April 18 in Dublin, Ireland on Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and moving to the cloud. This workshop, organized for IT professionals, is intended to empower and train attendees with best practices and important considerations for moving to and leveraging both SharePoint 2013 and the cloud.

Like the rest of the global SharePoint community, the Irish community is abuzz over SharePoint 2013 and Office 365, and it’s easy to feel lost amid all the hype. The promises of increased productivity, better collaboration, massive ROI, the ability to refocus IT to become a business tool rather than one that keeps the lights on, and virtually infinite scalability are all undeniably appealing. This workshop will explain what all of this actually means for Irish organizations.

The workshop will be led by AvePoint Chief Architect and SharePoint MVP Jeremy Thake, who has spoken and written about SharePoint 2013 and the cloud and extensively. The following is an excerpt from an article Jeremy recently penned for Computerworld UK entitled “SharePoint 2013: Preparing for the future”:

“Microsoft SharePoint 2013 will transform the way organisations connect knowledge workers, business processes, and enterprise-wide content worldwide. This means the platform is firmly positioning itself as the ideal technology for organisations to launch vital initiatives - including enterprise content management, web content management, and company-wide social collaboration.”

Throughout the workshop, Jeremy will discuss new features of SharePoint 2013, including enhanced document management capabilities around sharing and contributing content, improved social features, the new app model and marketplace as well as an overhauled search experience for discovery. The workshop will also explain cloud computing represents a major shift happening in the IT world today and give attendees a solid understanding of what the key benefits and limitations of the cloud are as well as how to get started both on-premise and online.

Presentations throughout the workshop include:

· Increasing Productivity for Business Users with SharePoint 2013

· What's New for SharePoint Developers in SharePoint 2013

· But we've only just deployed SharePoint 2010!

· Social Collaboration in SharePoint 2013

· Will Office 365 work on a leap year?

So please come along and hear the real spiel from a SharePoint MVP and Chief Architect who’s been working with SharePoint 2013 since the early betas!

To register, please visit our website today.


