
IE9 Feedback: Platform Previews through Beta

The Numbers

When we discussed our approach to feedback systems, we talked about our commitment to take action on every piece of feedback we receive. This approach is different than other feedback systems. The level of interest in the previews and Beta so far has been strong. At the time of this post, the IE9 Platform Previews have been downloaded over 3.3 million times, the Beta over 25 milliontimes, and we’ve received over 17,000 bugs from the public via Connect. That is 23% more downloads than IE8 Beta 2 during the same period and over three times as much feedback as we received for the entirety of IE8—from Beta through RTM.

These numbers represent interest from customers, developers and enthusiasts around the world. Over 8,000 people have logged bugs on over 8,000 domains worldwide. More than 7,500 of these users are providing feedback for the first time with IE9. We welcome these new users, just as we marvel at those who have provided exceptional contributions. Two users, Wheels of Flames and the dees (registration required), have logged over 200 bugs each, while another three, iecustomizer, Taciturne, and FremyCompany, have each logged over 50. Wow! We cannot thank these and our other users enough for investing their time and effort.

More on our Feedback Systems

We investigate each item of feedback for reproducibility and uniqueness. Unique reproducible bugs are ranked in terms of importance and severity—a process we call triage. Once we investigate and triage an issue, we update the status in Connect.

Some of the feedback we receive is about the feedback management process itself, and questions around what the different resolutions for reported issues actually mean. Here are the resolutions you’ll see on Connect, and what they mean:

  • Fixed: The engineering team reproduced the issue and has fixed it in this release. This is clearly our favorite resolution.
  • Not Repro: The engineering team could not reproduce this issue. Some issues are very subtle and hard to reproduce across different systems and Internet access configurations. Help from the community here is crucial. (If you can still reproduce the problem, please provide step-by-step details and additional configuration information by attaching an IEDiag log file and a Fiddler trace while reproducing the problem. If possible, please try to reproduce on a second machine.)
  • By Design: The engineering team expects the behavior noted in the report. By Design means we understand the feedback and the behavior is deliberate. An example of an issue that we consider By Design is that the Platform Preview does not install on Windows XP. IE9 has security (e.g. protected mode) and graphics (e.g. DirectX) functionality that requires other components not available on Windows XP, an operating system that first shipped in 2001 with IE6. Because of the decision to not support Windows XP, the issue of IE9 not installing on it is “By design.”
  • Won’t Fix/Postponed/Feature Suggestion: The engineering team investigated the issue or suggestion and will not address it in this release of IE. We will consider the issue for the next product cycle, especially if the severity or frequency of the issue changes. An example here might be work that is out of scope for the current release (e.g. MathML support), or features that do not fit in the overall context of the release.

How it Comes Together

Your feedback helps us make IE9 better and we appreciate it. We use the feedback that you provide to aggregate and identify your top issues. We tally the number of duplicate bug reports, number of validations (when users click “I can reproduce the issue too” on Connect), and the number of comments to identify the most critical user concerns. From there, one of the steps of triage is to determine if the feedback is a product issue (code defect), feature request, or general feedback. We read all feedback and assign it an action on the path to closure. Additionally, every week we look at the list of top issues as a team to ensure we are doing the right thing for our customer concerns.

When we talked about how we listened, learned, and refined the user experience, we noted that your feedback was critical to several of the major changes we made in the IE9 RC. We provided several examples of how user input from Connect, blog post comments, and other sources led to improvements in the browser. Feedback directly contributes to what we call “Design Change Requests,” which typically occur when feedback indicates that a design decision should be revisited. Whether they were feature requests or bugs, we took all of the top issues seriously, fixing all of the top five issues and seven of the top 10. Note that we fix these at various times throughout the product cycle – it’s important for users to test out each new Platform Preview and full browser build to verify that their issues are resolved and validate the improved quality of the product.

Top 10 Concerns in IE9 Beta

Feedback ID MS Connect Title Duplicate Reports Validations Community Comments Resolution Description
598728 [REQUEST] Make IE9 URL-BAR better please IE team! 283 351 177 The core of this issue is the desire to see more of the address and tabs for users who open many tabs. In response to this feedback, with the RC we added a feature to allow you to separate the tab bar from the address bar.
599845 Loading Circle 298 252 138 Users found that the spinning circle in the tab stopped before the page had fully loaded. We’ve fixed this in RC.
598400 Download speed not shown 169 198 80 Users wanted to see the speed of multiple downloads in progress. With RC, we’ve added this feature to the top level of the Download Manager.
598389 Highlighting text and releasing the button over a link clicks the link 123 117 59 This issue was fixed in Platform Preview 6
598102 Please return my Menu Bar 102 131 36 Users couldn’t find the Menu bar (which was found using the Alt key in the Beta). With the RC we’ve updated the right click interface in the title bar and tab bar to allow you to turn on the Menu bar permanently.
600623 Feature Request - Move Home, Favorites, and Tools buttons 88 87 30 With RC we addressed the primary user concern around the option to have a dedicated tab row along with showing the menu bar. With these options, users can get the favorites and tools option in the top-left region.
598091 Websites cannot be pinned to taskbar it taskbar is on the left of the screen 88 60 16 When users had their Taskbar anywhere other than the bottom of the screen, attempting to pin a site by dragging a tab was interpreted as an Aero Snap command for a side-by-side view. With the Release Candidate, the initial drag to a non-bottom aligned Taskbar is interpreted as a pin command – if you then drag your mouse away and back over the Taskbar, it will be interpreted as a Snap.
598615 Back button is drawn incorrectly 82 69 39 The clipping of the Back button is By Design. It is designed to provide some visual tension for the left side of the browser, balancing out the three buttons on the right side. It emphasizes the importance of site content over the browser frame.
598257 spellchecker 57 79 44 We are not addressing this feature request in IE9, but will be considering it for future versions.
598737 Show Desktop not showing Sidebar Gadgets 52 77 26 Gadgets should always remain visible on your desktop, even when you hit the Show Desktop button. We fixed this issue in the RC.

While we are pleased to be able to fix many of the top issues, in the end we won’t fix every issue reported. As we said above, there are a variety of reasons why we decide to not fix a reported issue. Some of these issues are external to IE, some may introduce security issues, while others may be limited in their scope of impact. Sometimes we receive conflicting feedback – while one segment of users may like the cut-off Back button, others may not. In all circumstances, our decision making revolves around delivering a quality default experience for all of our users.

Looking Forward

Our continued request is that you download the IE9 Release Candidate, try the samples on the test drive site, and try your own sites. Visit your favorite sites, try out the new features we announced and changes we made to the browser frame, and send us feedback about your experiences. Developers, send IE9 the same markup that you send to other browsers and use feature detection, not browser detection, to alter behavior between browsers and versions, when needed.

The IE7 compatibility view built into IE9, which some sites may run in, does not offer the best performance possible. If you still have sites that run in IE7 compatibility mode we recommend that you move those to IE9 standards mode. We want sites to get the full performance benefits of IE9 that come with running in IE9 standards mode. We also want your feedback from handing IE9 the same markup you hand other browsers.

Thanks again for your participation in the Internet Explorer feedback program.

—Justin Saint Clair, Program Manager


  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Awesome stuff, but please make the tabs pretty again somehow! Very impressed with IE9, though would also like the HTML5 history API and CSS transitions. The hardware acceleration is pretty stunning. Can't wait to see the finished version!

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    I have to say I'm kind of shocked they "fixed" the menu "problem" - it's been like that for 2 versions of IE, users could always press alt to show it (I think? maybe that in itself was added at some point), and I'm pretty sure there was an advanced option to turn it on permanently too? Some people need to grow up and learn to adapt to new better UIs once every couple of decades.  I guess the people who complain about that must hate Chrome, Opera, and what FF4 is turning out like, too.  But this is all my snarky biased opinion, and since the IE team was equally receptive of the tab/address-bar real estate complaint, only fair they listen to other gripes too.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    What will happen to the ~5000 remaining active feedback submissions once IE9 goes gold? Will they remain active?

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    So is the release cycle for IE going to remain the same? Are we going to have to wait 1 to 2 years before we get any updates?

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Do you improve the XML loading speed? the performance is 1000 times slower compared to IE7/8.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    At least 10 times more important than what the back button looks like is how to use it.  If I want to use 10-20 horizontal pixels (out of nearly 2000) for a drop down arrow, why can't I in IE9?  I suppose I'll get used to right clicking, but that's annoying when using a laptop touch pad.  Yes, I know that click and hold is an option as well, but that's even less friendly on a touchpad (you have to double click and hold) and it takes even longer. Overall, though, the IE9 RC is shaping up thanks to a vastly improved browsing engine and listening to some suggestions from the community.  I still say that customizibility shouldn't be seen as a bad design decision.  Your default UI designs are very reasonable, but let the power users customize their browser.  (See Firefox for how customizable a browser should be.)  A separate tab row is nice, but I know you can do better than that.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Will you be shutting down and removing all the bug reports again like you did before?  The reason why we gave up on the Connect system was threefold. 1.) MSFT showed no commitment to fixing the bugs, or verifying their existence until it was too late to fix them. 2.) MSFT would close blatantly obvious BUGS as "by design" instead of correctly labeling them as bugs- even if they were to be considered a "won't fix" 3.) MSFT made little attempt to keep the communication open or fluid with months between updates/feedback.  Including shutting the whole system down and never fixing the search so that it actually worked. (the steps to file a bug were too many too, thus most were never reported) I refused to use the system during the IE9 beta program because I was disgusted at how we were treated during the IE7 and IE8 process.  Furthermore I will not enter another bug or verify them for Microsoft until they move off the horrible Connect system AND provide up front disclosure that they will ACTIVELY participate in the process.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Speaking of Connect, is there any chance that the AJAX-heavy feedback navigator might be overhauled? It's painful being returned to the default view (Open feedback, page 1, 10 items per page) after viewing a bug/suggestion and clicking the back button. I thought IE8+ improved AJAX back/forward navigation, but the experience seems equally poor in all browsers :(

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    i remember that the mse wiped all the connect bug reports when its successor went into beta. it was frustrating. personally i hate the new mgs/xbl beta bug report submission idea of using mgs/xbl forums instead of connect

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Internet explorer 9 crashes all the Time,DEp is the responsible of this and i haven't been able to solve it. Even with no addons it crashes on startup Someone help me. Send me an e-mail to eduardval@hotmail.com

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    ·         synchronization services (bookmarks, auto fill, extensions, passwords, preferences, etc) ·         integrated spell checker ·         tabs that don’t resize until you exit tab area so you can close many tabs without realigning the mouse (like Chrome) ·         redesign/update the options menus ·          “paste and go/search” right click option for URL bar ·         option to add dedicated search in addition to url input (like IE7/8) ·         automatic browser session loading (load tabs as i last closed the entire browser without having to find the load last session thingy) ·         mouse gestures ·         show resized images during load for images larger than the screen (like chrome) … don’t wait until it’s complete to resize ·         better extension discovery / manager ·         integrate options and download manger type features into tabs (does this interfere with Window UI rules … if so please post that it does … start a FAQ to cover top requests and whether they are possible or being considered) ·         technical explanations on why IE9 isn’t quite as fast in V8 and some of the other benchmarks … what are the challenges … is it something being worked on or is it something deemed to not happen in the real world

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Srsly? Why not just ask them to come clean up your room for you so your mom will stop bugging you for that.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Once again I beg you to consider adding an inline spell checker. Please, please, IE team.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Ok call me dumb, but I can't figure out how to make the favorites appear in the top left as you say I can above... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    IE8 bug reports are still online on connect. "IE8 Public Tech Beta Program" Marcus,you are not helping. And I don't think even your opinion is correct. I could sum you and your opinion in one word,but it is not civil.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Would be great if text-shadow would make it in the final release.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    I'm surprised the blurry text issue didn't make it into the top 10. I don't experience it, but there still is a lot of argument on them in these blogs. Perhaps the IE-team is still working on that, and they are reluctant to give the final "fixed/won't fix/by design" status.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    I had same experience as Marcus with bugs being labelled as "By Design". At least try to explain what this design is. What is more it seems better to state my opinion on design decisions here than on connect because if anyone questions a design decision on connect the bug will be closed as "by design" P.S. posting from Firefox. I cannot post on this blog with IE9 RC for some reason. After I click post it stays on "Publishing" forever.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    @alvatrus: Font rendering for IE9 content is done through the DirectWrite library and therefore is one "of these issues are external to IE".

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Good work so far but there's a lot of polishing up to do before RTM. Could you PLEASE remove all the annoying modal dialogs they complelty lock up the browser! I save webpages to disk a lot for my convenience . but it's almost impossible in IE without loosing my patience as the save webpage dialog locks up all the tabs.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    IE was dead already !!

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    Why you have not redesigned all toolbar from the ground? For example menu bar with ugly blue mouse hover pre-light like from some classic theme. Or primitive bookmarks toolbar, which could look like W7 explorer toolbar. Or bookmarks menu with extra sized spaces between bookmarks. Whay i cannot edit those 3 commands on main toolbar? Your design team is totally incompetent. Shame on you. All that hype around IE9 is irracional..

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    gawicks: That's also external to IE. Windows common dialogs (Open and Save As) are only available as modal dialogs. Reimplementing them as modeless dialogs would be a lot of work. If the dialog stops responding, that's usually down to a third-party Explorer shell extension, and would probably happen in any application that uses the common file dialogs (e.g. Wordpad).

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    One thing that isn't clear in the connect system: if you have already assigned a resolution do you review the bug at all if new comments/data is added or do we have to create a new bug?

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    I am amazed that spell checking has not made it into you guys top list of feedback items...If you go back to IE 7, IE8 and now IE9 a ton of people have requested this on Connect and I know I have too. If you guys actually are saying that you are using and following the feedback you receive on connect I hope people reading this blog will go vote up those bugs on connect for Spell Checking. This really should be a basic feature of a web browser and would solve a lot of problems for web developers as well. Please please please add spell checking!

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    IE9, I don't know how would you take off The widely-used website today doesn't work properly in IE9. Facebook.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    One of your IE9 value props is clearly performance. How comes that the well known and respected Jeff Prosise writes a relatively simple Mandelbrot HTML5 app and "IE9 is the least performant"? www.wintellect.com/.../making-html5-come-alive-with-the-canvas-api.aspx

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    Very impressed so far by IE9.  I just spent 2 hours making our webapp compatible and MAN is IE9 quick. Very speedy, no memory leaks (that aren't my fault) that I can see, and very decent standards support.  The only oddity I found was your implementation of XML and xmldoc.importNode(), other than that; fantastic!

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    By design: won't release IE9 on XP because Microsoft wants people to get used to Windows 7's intentionally destroyed GUI. By design: Safari has a more customizable GUI! Only made 0.001% effort to fix IE9's GUI and the file menu is NOT at the top where it belongs and it could have been merged with the top bar area (where on the right are the minimize, maximize/restore and close buttons). The rendering engine is speedy in some ways compared to other browsers such as DHTML animation however the GUI is a total disaster and moving tabs to their own toolbar doesn't cut the cake at all.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    Wouldn't it be great if a Windows-wide spellchecker could be used in all application (in textboxes for exemple) ? I don't understand why each application needs to develop its own solution to this more than common problem that's grammar checking... It would be a great reason to use Windows 8 for many people if all applications or at least a lot of them had built-in spellchecking.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    I must say I don't understand why all applications are responsible of developping its own spell-checker. Wouldn't it be great if Microsoft implemented a Windows-wide spellchecker that all applications would use automatically for textboxes ? It would be a very great reason to promote Windows for many people.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    Does the spellchecker even qualify as a feature-to-be-implemented-in-future or even a "feature" in 2011 browser application?? You guys already have great spellchecker in MS office which is not free of cost app ALRIGHT! But what about skydrive.live.com ... create a word document on skydrive in IE9 and there you can experience the complete implementation of same spell checker as of MS Office desktop app... So this turn out to be feature delay because the baldy guy still thinks that there is time to mess around, withhold and stall such necessity functions. Maybe you guys are afraid that there wouldn't be much to babble about in i.e.ten @FremyCompany, I really think that could happen. Imo, the spellchecker-service trend should be adapted by various OS developers. Then applications can be implemented to use it as per the user's preferred/selected language, that’s right!

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    Echoing Jim Cruickshank ("I can't figure out how to make the favorites appear in the top left as you say I can above") @ieblog That's an excellent question.  I'm using the IE9RC and I can't tell how the home, favorites, and tools buttons can move to "the top-left region" either.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    @Quppa - We are actively triaging all of the outstanding bugs - thousands have come in just since the release of the RC - it's great to see such interest from the community, but that also means we have some work to do.  All bugs submitted before the final release will remain active until they have been triaged.  We'll share more about that in a later blog post. Regarding the Connect navigation model, you should definitely make sure to provide them your feedback directly at connect.microsoft.com/connect.  For the IE teams part, we'll definitely take this feedback into consideration as we  work with them on improving the experience. @Marcus - I appreciate your feedback.  We learned from IE7 - sd @Klimzx notes, with IE9, and going forward, we are using a unified bug database that allows you to see all the bugs filed historically from IE8 on.  We also will continue to solicit feedback after IE9 is final - we'll share more information on that in a later blog post.  In response to your other points:

    1. As per this blog post and blog posts referenced within it, we are definitely committed to verifying and fixing the bugs users report.  While we can't fix every bug, we have fixed thousands of user submitted bugs, many of which had significant impacts on design decisions for the Beta and RC.  Users should know we take their feedback seriously.
    2. By Design vs. Won't Fix is a difficult distinction.  Inherently, if a user considers something a bug, and we say it is By Design, they may  still interpret that decision as Won't Fix.  The great thing about our bi-directional feedback system is that the community has the opportunity to let us know if they disagree with those decisions, whether individually or as a collective, and we can revisit them.
    3. As I noted above, we won't be shutting down our feedback loop as we move forward. I hope it is apparent to you that we are investing in improving our feedback system.  We continue to work with the Connect team and others at Microsoft to make our feedback systems work well for our users.  I hope that you will find these changes merit reconsidering your participation in our programs. @Eduardo V - can you use the Feedback Tool (Ctrl + X, K) in IE9 or Connect (connect.microsoft.com/ie) to let us know about your issue?  If you provide us with an IEDiag log (blogs.msdn.com/.../ie-diagnostics.aspx), that would be helpful - it's automatically included with the Feedback Tool reports. @Jim Cruickshank, @S - if you turn the Menu bar on (or hit Alt to show it), it makes your Favorites accessible from the upper left.  It doesn't pin it there, but you can do that from the Favorites bar itself (using the Left facing arrow key). @Alvatrus - the list provided is the "absolute" top 10 list - it's not filtered by the decisions we made on those bugs.  The reports of blurry text continue to be an issue we hear about and are working to address. @Stilgar - Connect remains the best place to let us know about your concerns, including issues with design decisions.  As noted in this blog, some "bugs" were themselves design change requests - a big part of what helps us make the decision to change the design is the volume of community sentiment.  As an aside, we are looking into your report of not being able to post here with the RC. @fr - users are able to re-activate their bugs; that is the best means to ensure we revisit a bug.  Beyond that, yes, we do monitor bugs for subsequent comments, but that does not ensure we'll specifically revisit in from a resolution perspective.
  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    @Justin Saint Clair - thanks for following up in the comments, there is a distinct absence of MSFT personnel adding comments on here - glad to see you joined us as this IS where most of the discussion goes down. Regarding Bug vs. Feature - By Design vs. Won't Fix etc. One of the very often discussed BUGs in IE is the behavior of the HTMLElement.innerHTML setter in that it out right fails on certain elements.  MSDN has often quoted this as a "By Design" item, but it has been thoroughly discussed, and DISCLOSED by MICROSOFT that this is indeed a BUG with the Microsoft implementation due to the way IE/Trident's DOM tree manipulation works. Very sadly, this BUG has NOT been fixed in the 10+ years it has been known and published and in each release of IE the Connect bugs filed, and the comments in this blog go unanswered. This is NOT acceptable.  If Microsoft truly wants to be open, they need to discuss when they plan to fix this bug for good and commit to a release. With HTML5 being the focus of the IE9 release - and Internet Explorer being the ONLY browser that can't properly set .innerHTML according to the specs it doesn't set a great example for a browser that is trying desperately to push IE into the realm of modern browsers. Is there any chance that this will be fixed in the final IE9 release? Or will we have to wait until IE10 to get full, proper HTML5 support? I'm sure if MSFT opened up their code to the public we could have a fix in before the weekend... but sadly MSFT hasn't learned that valuable technique yet. (end bitter, grumpy rant about a feature that should have been fixed in IE9... and even IE8... well really IE7... well no actually IE6 shouldn't have shipped without this fix!)

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    border radius is not working in fieldset with legend.  Other browsers render ok. If microsoft say that they implement css3 border radius it need to work with all elements.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    @Linton, I agree MSFT's decision to keep the code proprietary is final and understandable but still they can let their audience participate more closely by providing some kind of an interactive prototyping tool where people purpose their idea/wishlist in the form of an illustration if it’s pertaining to GUI and people can comment/vote them. Maybe an 'opinion driven approach'! This way MSFT shall have a clear idea that which features the users are fanatic about, how the users like them to get implemented and which features they don’t have any real opinion. Moreover, that tool should interface directly or atleast influence the s/w development process, like the final commit for a particular feature is submitted in its thread where users had previously submitted ideas/comments/votes and MSFT was communicating with them alongside (e.g. why "by design" or technically which idea would suite and why). MSFT would become a true listener to its customers and zillion of complaints would get vaporized.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    Here's the quick 30 second pseudo code for Microsoft to fix the .innerHTML property on the SelectList. //setter HTMLElement.setInnerHTML(newInner){  if("HTMLSelectElement" == this.type){    var attributes = this.attributes;    var properties = this.properties;    var events = this.events;    var newOuter = "<select";    for(var i in attributes){      newOuter += " " + attributes[i]name + "=" + attributes[i].value;    }    newOuter += ">" + newInner + "</select>";    this.HTML = newOuter;    for(var i in properties){      this.properties[properties[i]name] = properties[i].value;    }    for(var i in events){      this.addEventListener(events[i]name, events[i].value);    }  } else {    //do normal processing  } } There's absolutely no reason this bug should still exist in IE in 2011.  It should have been fixed before this century even started.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2011
    I switched to Google Chrome, it has a spell-check and much more, keep putting what you want in IE and not what the customer want, and you will continue losing market share, keep losing market share, and your company will not make any money to pay you, then like Nokia, you will go home. Good job :-)

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    So the answer to "Move the home, favorites and tools buttons" is really - You can't move them, but you can open various toolbars that take a lot of screeen space instead. Not what I was hoping for. Just want to drag the favorites button to the other side. I have to use XP at work so I am constantly going to the wrong side of the screen to find the favorites both at home in  IE 9 and work in IE8.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    Many good points were made in these comments (and comments to previous posts), but apparently this is all pointless. In the eyes of MS this product is now feature-complete, so we will not get spell checker, we will not get better UI customizability, we will not get inactive tabs that are readable, etc. etc. Just wait two years for IE10 and maybe some of your concerns will be addressed. sigh

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    @Cougar, the level of customization/personalization that Opera browser has shown (in interactive/live tabs grouping, user-accounts and account-based personalization, adjust the whatever button/app/pinning anywhere in the browser arena, highly interactive "about:tabs" equivalent cover page etc.), imo MS should also consider taking over Opera. So MS IE would be for non-techy, business and old people and MS Opera would be for power user and thus comparatively less complaints from people. They do have multiple apps for same purpose. Like MS Zune for windows, Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center all three have almost the same features and are interchangeable. So why can’t they run multiple web browsers. One for Windows Home edition and the other for professional edition and since so forth. @ieblog, thank you for educating us with "hardware accelerated rendering" in your previous blogs and that how badly we need it AND YES we are and we will continue to get used to the idea that it’s our necessity. Similarly, these days people are used to enjoy the luxury of spellchecking feature in browsers. Today, every decent non-MS webbrowser is equipped with a spellchecker. Believe it or not, IE9 is drowning without a mere spellchecker! It hurts and I really never like it to happen because I happen to be a big fan of IE and all the MS products that I ever used, actively participate in MS products reviews/wikis and still care about the products which you guys have probably forgotten e.g. MS Reader. Imvvvho, spellchecker is not too much your customers are asking for! So please, rollback your decision on this one and incorporate it in the final version. Then there is lot more to discuss about...say ~5000 issues on connect! ~M4Metallica,MSFT&nothingElseMatters.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    What about connect.microsoft.com/.../unable-to-render-svg-xml-object . The issue is marked as fixed while the issue persists. You can go check at sputnik.googlelabs.com/compare. The SVG is not rendered in IE9 while FF and others are rendering perfectly fine. Also, the ticket is not duplicate of 543394 because 543394  is talking about the error while running the test at sputnik while I am referring to the error on compare page that SVG+XML is not loaded and MS's personnel has closed the ticket as FIXED !! That's stew-pid.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    @ Mike Dimmick Perhaps I did not make myself clear .I'm referring to the 'Save Webpage' dialog that appears AFTER the Save button has been pressed. May be the ieteam ought to move 'Save Webpage' into the download manager like in Firefox.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    Where's the recent pages drop down?  So much faster than going back through pages.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2011
    @gawicks, exactly and also the "create download" button to manually enter any url to file connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/625057/   So I would have no reason to keep FDM installed :)

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2011
    Okay, help me out here... on the sixth item in the list 600623, there's this comment: "With RC we addressed the primary user concern around the option to have a dedicated tab row along with showing the menu bar. With these options, users can get the favorites and tools option in the top-left region." I cannot find any way to get the favorites and tools options to move to the top-left.  We can move the refresh and stop buttons from one side of the address bar to the other, but I see no way to move the Home, Favorites, or Tools buttons.  Help me out here?

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2011
    ClearType rendering still not as good as IE8. blogs.msdn.com/.../sub-pixel-fonts-in-ie9.aspx

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2011
    Anyone that HAS to develop for IE (especially the poor MSIE enterprise devs) will be grateful for any improvements that are made. Any praise from these people should come AFTER the rest because they have no choice - and the slightest improvement for them is better than nothing.

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2011
    I cannot post any facebook request! and it's a copy of google chrome!!! the tabs position, the address bar used as search, the drag of the tabs to create another window and back to the original window... it was a little bit faster than IE8, but needs to improve with some pages like facebook because it keeps crashing, and uploading the pages takes too long!!!... I had to go back to the IE8...

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2011
    accessman: Right-click or hold the left mouse button on the back button to display the recent pages menu. And no, it's not a discoverable feature. One more usability failure for sake of UI simplification.

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2011
    Justin Saint Clair [MSFT] answered your question on 2/24.  What they're claiming is that since you can add a menu bar to the screen, you can now have access to favorites and tools on the left side of the screen.  This is of course a humerous misunderstanding of the request.  Power users want to be able to customize the UI to a comfortable layout that effectiently uses screen real estate.  According to this article, Microsoft's response is to add a menu bar to the top of the screen so those options are availble in the upper left of the screen.  This is screwy logic becaue users aren't asking to lose screen real estate.  They're asking for real customizability!

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2011
    (RU) Извините за плохой английский - ie9 неправильно обрабатывает приложения от популярной  российской социальной сети вконтакте - так например не работают форма комментариев и кнопка "нравится" (такие  же как существуют в  фейсбук) (EN) Sorry for bad English - ie9 not handle applications from the popular Russian social network vkontakte - so for example do not work form comments and a button like "(such as exist in facebook) Here's an example _vkontakte.ru/developers.php

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2011
    Invariably, IE9 - 64 bit is 10 % slower than IE9 -32 bit, on the HTML5 blizzard test. How is that possible?

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2011
    Those are your top 10 issues?! Considering the fact that IE9 is only half the browser all the others are is not on the top 10 list? No wonder it's the worst browser on the planet.

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2011
    Unintelligible troll alert

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2011
    If one create a plain HTML page and put it on a server (which sends ETag and Last Modifed), Firefox and Chrome always seem to check reliable if the page has been updated (conditional request). (This makes things easy for hard working web developers and hobbyists.) IE8 have a much more optimistic algorithm than Firefox or Chrome, but at least it checks for updates (both for images and HTML) if one open a new tab or a new window, which increases the chance that the user is served the newest version of the page (including changes to images) greatly. The heuristics in IE9 RC seem to behave like IE8, except pages and images are not revalidated if the page is viewed again from a new tab or window. In practice large websites know how to optimize caching for images, and they use dynamic generated pages anyway, so the heuristics don’t apply to them, and IE9 don’t win anything compared to Firefox and Chrome. However for writing plain HTML pages, for example for people who just want to create their own homepage and learn HTML, the lack of reliable revalidation in IE9 is an issue. Currently some kind of a solution for hobby web developers, for the issue with less revalidation in IE9, is probably to add a meta tag with “must-revalidate” in the HTML code for IE9 RC, or fiddle with the .htaccess and add rules for IE9, but things like that shouldn’t be necessary. Please make the revalidation heuristics a bit more reliable before the final version of IE9 is released. Thanks on beforehand.  : )

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2011
    and i mistyped separate because IE9 doesn't have a spellchecker ....

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2011
    Please make it possible to drag the selected text/URL into another tab, so that we don't have to use Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V everytime ...

  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2011
    please allow to customize every buttons,toolbar and menu position and look , like on maxthon2. also , please create plugins like IE7pro that will work well on IE9 . i really liked this plugin and they stopped working on it , so it will probably never work well on IE9 .