How to get the list for SMTP address and Last connection time for all the users
This article describes how to use PowerShell Commandlet to get the list for SMTP address and Last connection time for all the users.
Steps to implement the request
Step 1: Run the following to authenticate yourself and import PowerShell commands to your local session:
$LiveCred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange-ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Step 2: Run the Commandlet to get the SMTP address and Last connection time for all the users.
Commandlet to get SMTP address:
Get-Mailbox | fl EmailAddresses, identity > C:\Emailaddress.csv
Commandlet to get Last connection time:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited | Get-MailboxStatistics | select-object identity,lastlogontime,lastlogofftime,DisplayName | sort-object DisplayName -descending | export-csv D:\Lastlogontime.csv
Step 3: Run the following to remove the authentication
# Removes the Session as only 3 sessions are allowed
Remove-PSSession $Session
$importresults = ""
$Session = ""
More Information
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Assigning administrator roles
Use Windows PowerShell to manage Office 365
Please check this link for Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Office 365
Applies To/Requirements
Office 365