
Introducing Enterprise Mobility Suite

Microsoft has recently started boosting and selling its
services empowering the enterprises with mobility suites.  There is no specific product for EMS but a
collection of services that the customer can choose among them the best
services to meet his demands. (I am sure they will be all J ) 

In the following couple of snapshots, I will explain the
importance of the EMS (Enterprise Mobility Suite).  With the increasing number of users, it is
very hard to put a limitation on the devices that they are using or prevent
them to access the work applications from different devices as they might need
to do so on their move.  Especially with
the variety of the different operating systems, and with the integration with
nearly all the applications with the different Operating systems, accessing
data anywhere and from everywhere.  These
applications will enable the user to have the different insights and updates
about its business on his move.

The first thing you have to know about it is the Microsoft
Azure Active Directory Premium, which I believe is one of the strongest and powerful
service for the identity.  If you have an
office 365 or CRM online account then you will be using Active Directory in for
your user authentications. As I believe all these customers as they are already
using the Active directory they should think very well about taking this to the
next level, which is AD premium.  Plus
the basic functionalities that the basic Azure Active Directory gives you, it
can add the following services:

  • Multifactor-authentication
  • Self-Password reset
  • Single Sign on for more
    than 2400 apps
  • Company branding
  • Advanced Security reports
  • SLA and way more, you can
    find all the differences here.

The second thing is the MFA (Multi factor Authentication),
you can have the MFA as part of the AD premium or you can have it as a
standalone service, helping you having a secure way for securing the access to
your environment in one or more method. 
The main difference here between the office 365 MFA and the Azure MFA
that Azure MFA can be integrated with Microsoft Applications or non-Microsoft
Applications and has its own SDK for further integration between the MFA and
newly developed application.

The last service which is the RMS (rights management
Services), like the MFA, you can have the Azure RMS service as a standalone service
or as part of the AD premium.  The thing
here is when you start using the RMS you are only allowed to use it internally,
you can force using the RMS for the employees in your domain.  For the Azure RMS, it gives you the ability
to expand this and to share the files you want to share them with internal
users and even externals.  So even if you
share the documents to external people using Azure RMS, they can only do what
the permissions allow them to do.

For more information about the Enterprise mobility, I
recommend reading the Enabling
Enterprise Mobility Whitepaper

For more information about the different offering for the
EMS solutions, you can find all the details here.

For more information about the pricing for the EMS services,
you can find them here.