
Roanoke Code Camp 2011 is this Saturday!

A reminder from my friends in Roanoke:

Roanoke Code Camp 2011 – THIS SATURDAY!
It is finally upon us!  Roanoke Code Camp will be held on Saturday, March 12, from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.  There will are a variety of learning opportunities from round-table discussions to mobile application development to SharePoint.  There will also be great prizes such as component vendor licenses, books, and an XBOX 360 with Kinect.

Come see us at Virginia Western Community College (VWCC)!  Please be aware: due to construction, we cannot park in front of the Business Science Building. You will need to park on the opposite side of Colonial Avenue in Parking Lot 7, enter the building and go across the bridge into the Business Science Building.  Look for the “limey-green” signs to direct you to registration.

As always, check out www.roanokecodecamp.org for information and updates.  There are lodging suggestions there as well if you are traveling from out of town.  For those of you in town, we are stuffing attendee bags tonight at the Public Safety Building.  If you want to join, send an email to codecamp@rvnug.org so we can get enough food!

We look forward to seeing you there, and sharing with you our passion for technology!

Your RV.NUG Officers