
Least Privilege Development BoF at Tech-Ed

Robert Hurlbut just announced that his suggestion for a Least-Privileged Development Birds of a Feather session was accepted for Tech-Ed 2005. I'll definitely be there:

The TechEd BOF (Birds of a Feather) voting is over and mine was accepted. Here is the schedule:
   Developing software as a non-administrator - Wed, June 8, 7:45pm 6:30pm 
This will be a discussion only -- no presentation. We will talk about the whys as well as experiences of those who have tried it and best practices for those willing to give it a shot. I have talked to Aaron Margosis about possibly joining in, and hope that Andrew DuthieDon Kiely, Keith Brown and others could as well. It should be fun!


  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2005
    [I originally posted this two weeks ago, but it got lost when they had to roll back the servers, and...
  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2005
    [I originally posted this two weeks ago, but it got lost when they had to roll back the servers, and...
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2007
    [I originally posted this two weeks ago, but it got lost when they had to roll back the servers, and