
Friday App Shout-Out: 101 American Recipes

This week, the Friday App Shout-Out features a colorful and fun recipe app…read on for details!

101 American Recipes


101 American Recipes, developed by Ramya BM, features pretty much what you'd expect, classic American recipes, broken into categories including Appetizers, Breakfast, Main Dishes, Dessert, etc. The app provides detailed ingredients and directions for each recipe, and supports semantic zoom for faster navigation across different categories.

The app is available in the Windows Store for $1.49, but includes a free trial mode if you'd like to kick the tires first. Download it now!

Office Hours

I offer weekly Office Hours, alternating between the Microsoft Store in Tyson's Corner, VA, and our Reston, VA office. If you're working on an app for Windows Phone, or Windows Store, or you need help integrating Windows Azure services into your solutions, I can help.

You can check out my current Office Hours schedule at:


I also usually post my next upcoming Office Hours session on the DC/Baltimore Windows App Developers Meetup group, which also happens to be a great resource for other app development related events, so you should join the group.

Who's Next?

Would you like to be the next recipient of a shout-out for your app? You can get links, videos, and more for free at App Builder. Sign up takes only a few seconds, and the resources can help make you the next app rockstar. And don't miss the newly-launched App Builder rewards program. Build apps and earn rewards, at your pace.

Drop me a note if you're working on a Windows 8 app and have questions or need advice, or if you've published your app already, let me know so I can spread the word!