
PHP on Windows Whitepaper



my colleague Bernhard Frank just did an article on the topic and now there is a Whitepaper online about the topic (see https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/2/F/82F65F5E-D791-4199-9CE4-25E772682731/PHPonWindows_final.pdf). The nice thing is that Bernhard's article and the whitepaper do not differ too much (beside that one is in German while the other is in English ;-)

Bottom line is that PHP and Windows can work more than well with each other. Even things like installation is no more problem with projects like Raktajino (see www.codeplex.com/raktajino) or the web installer (see www.microsoft.com/web)

The next interesting thing will be languages like Ruby and Python. We have now a high level of support of Rails on IronRuby. But this week is PDC and be ready for some surprises ;-) Anyway we will talk about the stuff at XTOPIA and Technical Summit.

Maybe I should start a webcast series on learning Ruby and Python on .net...???

