
Quelques infos sur APP-V 4.6 et APP-V 4.5 pour Windows7


We’ve been listening to customers who want to see us support Windows 7 early so they can move ahead with their application testing in preparation for their enterprise deployments. Today, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of App-V 4.5 CU1 for the Windows 7 Beta.


we are also pleased to announce that engineering of the next App-V release is progressing well, and we will be opening the Technical Adoption Program (TAP) for App-V 4.6 shortly.  When released, App-V 4.6 will be available to all existing MDOP customers and provide new key features including 64-bit platform support.  Customers interested in App-V 4.6 can watch for registration to become available at Microsoft Connect in Q1 of 2009.