En savoir plus sur Remote FX
RemoteFX enables a full 3D experience in a virtual machine by using 3D graphics and USB redirection. The functionality is included in the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host role service. A user connecting by using Remote Desktop Connection will be able to run rich PC applications in their virtual machine enabled with RemoteFX.
Excellent billet de l’equipe produit Remote Desktop Services https://blogs.msdn.com/b/rds/archive/2010/07/13/beta-testing-microsoft-remotefx-in-service-pack-1.aspx
A lire absolument !! cet article contient l’ensemble des liens indispensables
The following list includes all the new documents available with the SP1 Beta:
Step-by-step guides:
- Deploying a Single RemoteFX Server Step-by-Step Guide
- Configuring USB Device Redirection with RemoteFX Step-by-Step Guide
- Deploying Remote Desktop Licensing Step-by-Step Guide
- Using RemoteFX with “Classic” Remote Desktop Services Step-by-Step Guide
- Deploying RemoteFX for Personal Virtual Desktops Step-by-Step Guide
- Deploying RemoteFX for Virtual Desktop Pools Step-by-Step Guide
Overview guides:
- Script for Creating Virtual Machines for VDI
Online Help for Configuring (available Wednesday, July 13):