
What To Do When The Source Control Server Is Down

I have not forgotten about my series on method type inference; rather, the contrary. I have been thinking hard about how to change method type inference to be more accurate in a hypothetical world with covariant and contravariant interfaces, and this has led me to dig in even deeper to the method type inference specification and implementation. I've got acres of notes on this now; getting them into bloggable form will take more time.

Until then, some of the wit and wisdom of the managed languages team.

 We "dogfood" our source control system here; that is, we now use the same source control system that we sell to customers to control our own sources. Even better, we use recent builds of the source control system, so that we find the flaws in new versions of it before customers do. We feel the pain so that you don't have to. But this means that occasionally the Software Development Company Abstraction breaks down for a few hours here and there.

Some wags have started writing suggestions for what to do when the source control server is down on the whiteboard outside my office. So far, the list consists of:

0) Teach the VB team what index lists begin at.
1) Send email to [the source control server team].
2) Complain.
3) Update this whiteboard.
4) Learn helplessness.
5) Go to Tosche Station. Pick up some power converters.
6) Consider the management track.
7) Write a new source control system -- yes, you have enough time.

What do you do when your source control / bug database / network / email / whatever crucial system is temporarily unavailable?


  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    When our source control server is down I take a moment to consider how lucky I am to be a DVCS user. When our network is down I take another moment to consider how lucky I am to be a DVCS user. When our email server goes down I get a lot of work done. Oh, and somebody should tell the C# team that lists begin at `car'.

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    http://www.google.com/reader/view/ 8-)

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    >> What do you do when your source control / bug database / >> network / email / whatever crucial system is temporarily unavailable? Travel to building 41 and write on the whiteboard outside of Eric's office. <g> ---joe

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    Derek already said it better than I can, but here goes. Our version control system doesn't go down. Subversion is just too darn simple to fail. (It does, however, run way too slow.) If it DID go down, I'd have plenty do do because I'm the Subversion admin. If I WEREN'T the Subversion admin then I'd keep working on my code. After all, Subversion uses optimistic locking (you don't have to "check out" a file before editing it) and the whole source tree lives on my local working copy. So an outage doesn't really stop me. If it were something ELSE preventing me from touching code at all, I'd keep working on other things. After all, typing out code is only a tiny portion of my job. I also have to respond to emails (well, usually I'm too busy), write documentation, organize other developers, create architectural design documents, perform security audits, and lots of other things that don't require me to write code. I have to work on my annual goals, sit with my boss for regular reviews, meet with other developers to discuss various policies and design questions... there is LOTS that I can do. And if somehow my entire PC was dead, and my spare PC too (perhaps the power went out), and I couldn't work with my colleagues (perhaps I have severe laryngitis), then what would I do? I'd go home early.

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    it's never down, i'm using git (under windows through cygwin, linux and os x leopard)

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    Lists should start at any index I want. If I want my list to go from 1906 to 2012 that's my business.

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    Go home...come back tomorrow and see if it's up yet.

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    Keep very, very careful notes. And make sacrifices to the merge gods in anticipation of its eventual return.

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    What To Do When The Source Control Server Is Down? The answer is quite easy: .... .... .... .... .... Start it!

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    @Michael > Derek already said it better than I can, but here goes. Derek also said it differently > Our version control system doesn't go down. Subversion is just too darn simple to fail. (It does, however, run way too slow.) Servers fail, webservers stumble and crash, disks get corrupted, and networks go down. Subversion does fail. DVCS (Mercurial, Darcs, Git, Bazaar) don't. @piyo > Please don't do this. Write a two-way converter from your dogfood to a DVCS. Amen

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    addendum to my previous post: DVCS do, in fact, fail, but for a DVCS to fail (unless there's a severe bug in it) requires the local machine to fail (either the disk or the whole machine), which is a (previously unlisted) failure mode that CVCS share.

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2008
    If the network is down, and consequently the internet is taken down with it, then I'll read the Visual Studio documentation. If the internet happens to be available, but a critical system I need is unavailable, I'm usually on discussion forums. If source control is down, I'll just work offline and merge when it comes back up.

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2008
    The first thing I do is, try and find out where is the actual issue and Is there something which I can do to resolve it or if I can find any alternative ways to keep the work in progress. e.g. - Restarting the machine might bring up my source control system.      - If email isn't working I would phone instead Once I am satisfied that nothing is under my control and the only thing I have to do is wait until someone else resolves the issue, I would immediately jump on to a folder on my machine named ‘KM’ which has a bunch of things like: -DNR-TV videos -ASP.net MVC screen casts -Nothing but dot net  course material -Nhibernate screen casts -CLR-via-C# -WPF bookcamp -Learn Automated Builds -Rotor 2.0 (I often jump to this folder in between our builds and deployments.) Now if the internet is working than I would also open up my Snarfer and start downloading things on my KM folder from over 100 rss feeds Learning is Inevitable . . . . Jomit

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2008
    Do you know, there is an option in Visual Source Safe to enable a shadow folder (technical details are here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/byx8tbka(VS.80).aspx) In short, this folder should be on a different server (that preferably gets backed up), so in the event of the VSS server crash developers can simply obtain the latest code from the alternative location, given of course, the team makes daily/hourly check-ins. Since I used to be a VSS admin I am aware of this option which saved a lot of time for my team back 7 years ago when we had our VSS database server's Hard Disk failure. So for us any issue with the VSS availability is not a drama.

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2008
    >> What do you do... I go mountain biking :-)

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2008
    @Michael, I don't think you appreciate the scope of development at the level of Eric's group. Let's just say that the number of companies doing development at that level is very small (few dozens at most) and though Subversion may be robust under certain circumstances, it is wholly unsuitable to use in the situation of gigabytes of code being modified by literally thousands of developers and testers and migrated around through several hundred different branches on a near continuous basis.

  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2008
    No one has mentioned just letting VS go into disconnected mode for a while.   I work from home against VSS hosted at the office.  Works fine for me but then I don't get many collisions with others on the team. Still it makes a good excuse to read blogs like this one ;)

  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2008
    A two hour lunch sounds right.

  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2008
    I agree wholeheartedly with Ted. SCC integration in VS is nice when it works, but is a total nightmare when it does not. Performance with SourceSafe was a joke, even with SourceGear. With TFS, speed is better, but still unuseable in slow network conditions (think VPN from another continent). Also, having SCC info embedded in project/solution files is just wrong: it makes everything complicated, especially branching. On many occasions, I had to resolve issues by editing project files by hand. All in all, we got tired of dealing with integration issues and we are now manually checking out files. It makes it easier to forget to add or check-in a file, but compared to the previously lost time, it is a small price to pay.

  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2008
    I'd just like to say thanks for dogfooding source control, because this can only make it better. It would be great for MS to release an easy to use/install product taking the best concepts out there. Only by dogfooding it can you expect the market (us developers) to use it. My only 2 cents is don't requite it to have it's own dedicated beefy server. This has been the deal breaker in TFS. Impossible setup, requires sql server and a beefy machine. Hard to justify when VSS is free (included) and just requires a file share. If you build it, they will come.

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2008
    Basic RCS with a few script is a simple but very efficient way to do version control.

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2008
    Basic developer tasks like source code control, versioning, patch deployment, etc. seem to be downlpayed and thus quite problemmatic in many shops I've worked in.  I do not know if this is just because the majority of developers in those shops have under 5 years experience or if no one stays around long enough to dogfood their own code thorugh multiple production releases.

  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2008
    what's a source control server?

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2008
    Dogfood your own project for awhile to appreciate following standard best practice with source code control.   Too often, consultant and rookie coders treat the entire project and all of the add-on parts (version control, build process, etc.) as a semester project that does not live after the developer leaves the project/company. Meshing with and contributing to that is the business analyst and project manager downplaying version control, documented source code, and other best practices as wasted time usually since they have never worked in a production software development shop. Both of these greatly inflate the overall cost of IT.

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    >Robin Goodfellow said: >Let's just say that the number of companies doing development at that level is very small (few dozens at >most) and though Subversion may be robust under certain circumstances, it is wholly unsuitable to use in >the situation of gigabytes of code being modified by literally thousands of developers and testers and >migrated around through several hundred different branches on a near continuous basis. And VSS/TFS is more suitable than subversion in this environment exactly how? Neither are suitable, if you ask me.

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    If the source control server is down I go and ask the build/source control guy why (it's a small company). Since I'm his manager I should know because somebody is going to ask me!

  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 03, 2008
    > in a hypothetical world with covariant and contravariant interfaces While the C# team is tinkering with interfaces, I have a suggestion. Recently I found myself creating an interface which would be implemented by some derived WPF Visuals.  The interface adds certain properties and methods to these Visual objects.  The specifics aren't really important, let's call the interface IEnhancedVisual. Here's the thing, this interface is only designed for use on WPF Visual objects.  It would be great if I could enforce that at compile time, and save a lot of run-time casts and type-checking.  Right now, if I have a list of IEnhancedVisuals, I either have to dynamic-cast each one to Visual to do any WPF work on it, or declare it as a list of Visuals and dynamic-cast to IEnhancedVisual to get to the "extra" members. Of course, there's always the risk that some fool will put a plain Visual on a list intended to be only IEnhancedVisuals.  Or implement IEnhancedVisual on a random class.  Even if they don't, all the casts and type-checking has to be done at run-time, often inside a foreach loop.  What I really want is this: interface IEnhancedVisual : Visual, INotifyPropertyChanged This just restricts the interface at compile-time.  Classes can only implement the interface if they inherit from Visual. At first glance, it might look like the interface is just an abstract class, but of course it's very different.  By making it an interface, you can "glue" it onto leaf nodes on the class tree.  For example, you can create an EnhancedButton class which inherits from button and implements this interface.  The problem with an abstract class is, you would have to "start over" at the root Visual object, and somehow reimplement all the controls you want to use. Note that the language already does this implicitly with object: interface IEnumerable : object If it didn't, this code wouldn't work: IEnumberable e; e.GetType();

  • Anonymous
    September 03, 2008
    An excellent suggestion.  A slightly different way to cast this feature would be to allow a related group of extension methods to form an "extension interface". Since extension methods extend a particular type, an extension interface could also be restricted to extending any type you chose and no others. We are definitely considering more "extension" features in the future, but hypothetically speaking, we would not have any of this work planned for the hypothetical next release, if there were one, which I'm not confirming or denying. :-)

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2008
    "What do you do when your source control / bug database / network / email / whatever crucial system is temporarily unavailable?" Take a break. :)

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    attrib -r filename and when back up, tfpt online filename Ugh. tf.exe needs an option for checkout now and fix server status when it can reach the server.