
MSDN Chat coming - Get your questions ready!

In the midst of various holiday vacations, the Windows Embedded team has scheduled a live MSDN Chat on Tuesday, December 9th from 10-11am PST - we hope you can make it!  Since we launched Windows Embedded Standard 2009 a few weeks ago, we are excited to hear your feedback and thoughts on the new release.  If you haven't gotten your hands on the product yet, you can download a trial version at https://www.windowsembedded.com, then as you play around with it keep a running list of your comments and questions.  Then join us for the chat and talk directly with the product team! 

You can join the chat at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/chats/default.aspx.

We look forward to chatting with you in a few weeks!

- Shayna
