
Calling for feedback on Custom Components

I’m a Program Manager (PM) on the Windows Embedded team and am in the process of investigating how our customers use Component Designer to help the process of building their images. Component Designer is a very versatile tool and I’d love to get some feedback on how you use it. This feedback will be invaluable in our future planning.

Some potential topics of interest are:

  • What do you componentize? Drivers? Applications?
  • Do you use macro components? What do you use them for?
  • Do you share components between developers on a single project?
  • Do you maintain versioning on your custom components?
  • If you don’t use Component Designer, why not? Is the tool too difficult to use, or is it not necessary to fulfill your scenarios?
  • What do you love/hate about Component Designer?

I’ve made a forum post here (https://forums.microsoft.com/embeddedwindows/ShowPost.aspx?postid=4298732&isthread=true&siteid=47) if you’d like to have this discussion in a public forum. Alternatively, if you’d like to keep this information private, send mail to wecrt@microsoft.com and I will get in touch with you directly.



Technorati Tags: Xpe,Embedded,
