



En este post queríamos hablar de la formación técnica de Project, que tendrá lugar en varias fechas y lugares este otoño. El artículo original se puede encontrar en el blog de Jan Kalis (que será, junto con Christophe Fiessinger, quienes realicen todas las charlas):



¿Qué es Project Ignite?

Project Ignite es un training técnico ofrecido directamente por Microsoft para Profesionales de IT, Desarrolladores y Arquitectos de Soluciones. Esta formación ayuda a entender los cambios clave y mejoras en el nuevo Microsoft PROJECT – especialmente Project Online y Project PRO para Office 365 Preview

¡Registra tu plaza hoy mismo!

Los eventos presenciales  de tres días serán en estos tres lugares:

  • Sydney, Australia, Septiembre 18 – 20, 2012
  • Reston, Virginia, USA, Octubre 2 – 4, 2012
  • Warsaw, Polonia, Europa, Octubre 9 – 11, 2012


El registro está abierto a cualquier persona. Por favor, tengamos en cuenta que las plazas físicas son limitadas, por lo cual se ofrece también la posibilidad de acceder al evento de manera remota, usando Lync. El precio por persona es de 99$, si se atiende presencialmente, o de $29$ si se hace a través de Lync. Todas las personas que accedan presencialmente recibirán un bono para realizar un exámen, cuando se registren físicamente en uno de los tres lugares donde tenga lugar esta formación. (Cada bono está limitado a las personas que accedan presencialmente al evento. Este bono sólo podrá ser usado para los siguientes tres exámenes: Exam 70-178: Microsoft Project 2010, Managing Projects , Exam 70-177: Microsoft Project Server 2010, Configuring , Exam 70-667: TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring .)

Agenda Completa

Day 1
Time Module Module detailed description Speaker
8:00 AM Room Open, Breakfast, Register
9:00 AM Welcome & Project Ignite Introduction Jan Kalis
9:30 AM What's new in Project Professional 2013 and Sync to SharePoint 2013 Highlights the key investments in the Project Professional 2013 and Project Pro for Office 365 and the new exciting capabilities of building the schedule in a SharePoint list and seamlessly connecting the two - giving the Project Manager instant insight and additional tools to successfully manage the project. Jan Kalis
10:45 AM break
11:00 AM What's new with Microsoft's Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solution Provide an overview and demonstrations of both the online and on-premise capabilities of Microsoft’s *latest* Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solution. Christophe Fiessinger
12:15 PM lunch and discussion
1:00 PM Project Online Overview This module will provide: an overview of Office 365, introduce Project Online and Project pro for Office 365, demonstrate how to get started with Project Online, and discuss Online frequently asked questions. Christophe Fiessinger
2:30 PM break
2:45 PM Business Intelligence in Microsoft Project We will explain and demo the BI investments on the Project Desktop as well as the Project Server and Project Online. We will demonstrate technologies like PowerView and OData that Project is now using. Jan Kalis
4:15 PM Day 1 wrap-up, Q&A, discussion and feedback
4:45 PM Break
5:15 PM Evening informal discussion event
Day 2
Time Module Module detailed description Speaker
8:30 AM Room Open, Breakfast
9:00 AM What's new for IT Professionals - part 1 - Architecture This module discusses Project Server 2013 architectural, administration and security changes. Christophe Fiessinger
10:30 AM break
10:45 AM Demand Management Demand management is a key process for many customers in the Project lifecycle – from initiation, selection to planning and managing. Typically follows the customer business process or methodology requirements Consists of Phases, Stages, Project Detail Pages (SharePoint page with Web Parts), Specific Custom Fields and Workflow. This session will discuss creation of a typical Demand Management process and showcase workflow creation in the Microsoft SharePoint Designer and Microsoft Visio! Jan Kalis
12:15 PM lunch and discussion
1:00 PM Timesheet and statusing Overview of timesheet and statusing improvements in Project Online and Project Server 2013. Christophe Fiessinger
2:00 PM Office Store opportunity Apps that are extending the product functionality could be published and acquired by customer directly from the Office Store. Join us to learn how you can benefit from publishing your Apps, Trainings or Solutions. We will also highlight the process and showcase some of the Apps from the Office Store. Jan Kalis
2:30 PM break
2:45 PM Project desktop extensibility Project desktop is a popular tool for millions of Project Managers. It now incorporates the Web Extensibility Framework and allows you to build Apps for Office that display contextual contents right in Project. The demonstration will show how to build App for Office that runs in Project. Jan Kalis
4:15 PM Day 2 wrap-up, Q&A, discussion and feedback
Day 3
Time Module Module detailed description Speaker
8:30 AM Room Open, Breakfast
9:00 AM Extensibility - Server and Online - part 1 Project Server and Project Online builds on top of SharePoint and Office 365.This module introduces the conceptual development approaches for the whole platform. Jan Kalis
10:30 AM break
10:45 AM Extensibility - Server and Online - part 2 This part 2 goes deeper into Project Server's extensibility and covers Client Side Object Model (CSOM), JavaScript Object Model (JSOM), Event Receivers and other key extensibility components. Jan Kalis
12:15 PM lunch and discussion
1:00 PM What's new for IT Professionals - part 2 - Deployment & Upgrade Overview of procedure to deploy Project Server 2013, as well as upgrade methodologies from prior versions. Christophe Fiessinger
2:00 PM break
2:00 PM What's new for IT Professionals - part 3 - Operations Discuss Project Server 2013 operations improvements including Windows PowerShell, Active Directory Synchronization, Log Level Manager and Queue Stats Manager. Christophe Fiessinger
3:15 PM Day 3 wrap-up, Q&A, discussion and feedback


Esperamos os resulte de interés, y podáis hacer todo lo posible por asistir.


Un saludo



Jorge Puig


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Very good content.