
How can I search for methods that are already a part of EAP Certification Program?

You can find this information from the following locations:

I. Catalog Update Pages from Microsoft


Please follow the steps mentioned below to search the certified ECP methods:

a. Navigate to the following link: https://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Home.aspx. (You may need to enable and install the activex control for the webpage)

b. In the search field type the name of the vendor. For e.g., for EAP-FAST, type Cisco Systems.

c. All the ECP methods from respective vendors are displayed that can be downloaded and installed directly from the web page itself.

II. EAP Certification Program Blogs

You can also locate information on other ECP methods on blogs at the following URL - https://blogs.msdn.com/eapteam/default.aspx. (This is under construction and will be up soon).