
XBRL/iXBRL for Management Reporter 2012

Sivakumar Venkataraman - Click for blog homepageInline XBRL, or iXBRL is a format for embedding structured, machine readable data about business performance inside a web page. It is a module of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) standard and was first adopted in a regulatory context by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in the UK. While suited for financial statements, the technology is a generic, open standard and can be used for a wide variety of business and performance reports.

You can download the various documents related to XBRL from the links below.

White Paper German XBRL support in Management Reporter
(.pdf - 859 KB)

Guidance for complying with XBRL/iXBRL in Denmark with Microsoft Dynamics ERP
(.docx - 177 KB)

Guidance for complying with XBRL in the India with Microsoft Dynamics ERP
(.docx - 2 MB)

Converting extracted Dynamics data into iXBRL using CoreFiling iXBRL product – ‘Seahorse’
(.docx - 283 KB)

Guidance for complying with iXBRL in the UK with Microsoft Dynamics ERP
(.docx - 2.7 MB)

Guidance for complying with iXBRL in Ireland with Microsoft Dynamics ERP
(.docx - 2.62 MB) 

If you are looking at more details about XBRL, take a look at the PartnerSource page below.


Hope this helps…

Until next post!