
xRM Showcase Challenge Results

The xRM Showcase Challenge is over!  Thank you, CRM community, for your participation and votes.  And the winners are…

1st Place with 469 Votes: CIT MiFID – Compliant Client Registration Process for Asset Management Firms submitted by Columbus IT Norway

2nd Place with 387 Votes: GrapeCity Telemarketing Add-On for Microsoft Dynamics 4.0 submitted by GrapeCity

3rd Place with 241 Votes: RESPOND® –Citizen Services Platform/311 Solution submitted by Rock Solid Technologies

Overall we were impressed with all the solutions submitted; there were so many fantastic examples of what partners and customers have done with xRM.  Here are some more highlights:

  • We had 83 unique solutions submitted over 10 weeks
  • 2,570 individuals registered in the showcase to vote and submit solutions
  • Votes submitted totaled 2,942
  • The US led in solutions submitted with 39, UK with 10, and a three-way tie between Canada, Austria and Australia at 4

The site will remain up indefinitely for you to view solutions and explore what can be accomplished with xRM.  The xRM Showcase Challenge is itself a cloud xRM solution as it’s built in CRM Online and Windows Azure.  Special thanks to our sponsors ADXStudio, CoreMotives and Neudesic, and to our community leaders at the xRM Virtual User Group and the CRMUG.

Thanks to all who participated!


  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2010
    Not too impressed with the results of the xRM showcase challenge.  Exactly what product was "showcased" with the CIT MiFID?  I didn't see anything here or on their website.  I'd love to see this, but where is it?  But 469 others had no problem seeing it?

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2010
    Underwhelming to say the least...this contest has NOT been a great showcase of XRM solutions