
Do you have time to be more productive?

If you’re a salesperson like me, you get a number of email newsletters, webcast invites, etc. all about the business of being a more productive salesperson.  Create more leads! Close more deals! Forecast better! And if you’re like me, you scan these announcements, think “Yep, I sure would like to close more deals!” and move on to the next glib email.  Unless there is a nugget of immediate value the message is lost to the inbox monsters.

The great thing about selling Microsoft Dynamics CRM and representing such a solid CRM for SFA product is that we use it daily, and so do our partners.  Our partners have literally built their businesses using CRM as a fundamental component of their sales process, and they’ve lived to tell the tale of what works, what doesn’t work, and everything in between.

Starting this month, Zero2Ten and Microsoft Dynamics CRM (US) have partnered to deliver a weekly repeating webcast series focusing on corporate sales productivity.  Using best practices, testimonials, and demonstrations of CRM, Zero2Ten will deliver the Corporate Sales Productivity Series which will outline the Top 10 Ways that Customers Get Value from CRM.

Throughout the demonstrations there will be an opportunity for Q&A, so bring your questions. 

The sessions are 60 minutes in length starting at 10:00AM EDT every Wednesday and are appropriate for sales managers and reps who may already be using CRM or evaluating CRM, Microsoft or our competitors’ products.  Register here.

We look forward to demonstrating and discussing how to help you be more productive with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Hope to see you there!  ~Laura