
Vertel het door: Dynamics AX Conference is open voor inschrijvingen

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Microsoft Dynamics AX is having a technical conference to cover the upcoming release



I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but the folks at Microsoft Dynamics AX are having a conference to launch their latest version. I’m going to attend and thought you might want to as well. Staying up to date on the latest technology is key to our job performance, of course, but it’s also a great opportunity to network and get ideas from others. And with three days of deep technical content delivered by Microsoft leaders and technology experts, this is our chance to see how they are going about being more productive and providing innovative vertical solutions. We will:


  • Get hands-on experience with the upcoming release of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Talk directly to the team building the product.
  • Network and learn from other partners and customers how they are meeting their ERP needs.
  • And, I’ll get a pre-release version to continue my learning and development when I get back to the office.


The event is on the Redmond campus starting January 17 - January 20, 2011 and if I register early, the cost is $985—a savings of $200.

The Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical Conference Web site has more information: www.microsoft.com/dynamics/DynamicsAXtechnicalconference2011  

Consider it.
