
New book on Dynamics Sure Step just released!

We are pleased to announce that the “Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step 2010: The Smart Guide to Successful Delivery of Microsoft Dynamics Business Solutions” book by Chandru Shankar and Vincent Bellefroid is now available in print and/or as an eBook.

  • * Understand how to effectively use Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step to implement the right Microsoft Dynamics business solution with quality, on-time and on-budget results
  • * Learn business solution selling techniques and guidance to accelerate and close a sale, as well as related guidance on specific industries
  • * Discover how Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step support’s your buy cycle, as you progress through your needs assessment, alternatives assessment and risk assessment stages
  • * Examine the different options to choose from for your business solution delivery, including waterfall and agile approaches
  • * Acquire insights into how you can proactively optimize the business solution during implementation, as well as continue to maintain the health of your solution in production
  • * Determine the approach and tools available to upgrade your business solutions to the current product releases
  • * Gain knowledge in key areas such as the project and change management disciplines provided in Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
  • * Familiarize yourself with the approach to adopting the Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step methodology as your own

The book includes a Foreword by Sure Step Practitioners, including Aditya Mohan, Anders Spatzek, Kundan Prakash, Lori Thalmann Pytlik, Muhammad Alam and Theo Gees

 Call to Action:

Microsoft Dynamics Partners get out to PartnerSource and download it today!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    This is great.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Nice post.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    You can buy it here: www.packtpub.com/.../book

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2011
    Thank you, Ana! I had been debating about whether or not to read this since I’ve heard some mixed things about it but now I know I must!