
Microsoft Dynamics ERP - Rapid Start Services is live!

Microsoft Dynamics ERP - RapidStart Services for
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Dynamics ERP RapidStart Services allows organizations to easily configure business processes and modules thru an intuitive interview style questionnaire. Organizations can answer questions specific to their business processes and based on the responses to questions the necessary records for those business processes are created. Time of configure Microsoft Dynamics ERP can be greatly reduced and allow organizations to spend time on value add services.

- Microsoft Dynamics RapidStart
(282 KB - .zip)

[Microsoft Dynamics RapidStart<br>Services Guide](https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/deployment/documentation/userguides/MSDY_RapidStartServicesGuide)

The activation and user provisioning for RapidStart Services utilizes the Customer and Partner Portals available at www.dynamicsonline.com.

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