
PLoP 2007 Call for Participation

Here's the announcement from my fellow Hillsider (and long time friend) Joe Yoder. Anybody who's serious about writing, reviewing and refining patterns should have at least one PLoP under their belt.


                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (final)

    14th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2007)

      September 5-8, 2007 - Monticello, Illinois, USA

                *Early Registration till 19th August*

*About PLoP*

Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP™) conference is a premier event for
pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts to gather, discuss and learn
more about patterns and software development.

Patterns authors and non-authors will find in the different PLoP
activities (Writers' Workshops, Writing Groups, Focus Groups, BoF
sessions, BootCamp, Games) many opportunities to meet and learn more
about patterns and pattern writing.

As a whole, the conference provides a friendly and effective environment
to give and get feedback, to share expertise, and to allow the
participants to improve their knowledge about patterns.

*How To Participate*

If you are not an author of a paper accepted for PLoP'07, you can still
participate actively by enrolling a *Writing Group*, or proposing a
*Focus Group* or *BoF*.

*Writing Groups* are primarily for participants willing to start writing

their first pattern, or to continue evolving their work-in-progress.
Writing groups aim at providing authors the opportunity to work on the
their patterns in an interactive session mentored by an experienced
author specifically assigned to each group.

Papers on the writing groups are typically papers that, at the end of
the shepherding process, were considered that would profit more from an
interactive session to work on the paper than from a writers workshop.

After the work done in the writing group, some papers will be selected
to be discussed in the final session of a Writer's Workshop at PLoP'07.
Another possibility is to further evolve them after PLoP'07 and submit
to the Mini-PLoP at OOPSLA'07, a full-day Writers Workshop.

*Focus groups* are free-format discussion groups or workshops aimed at
bringing together people interested in a hot topic related to patterns
or proven practices, for a period of about two hours.

These sessions might focus on very different topics and issues related
to patterns, ranging from writing to using, organising, or adopting
patterns. Focus group proposals should include a brief description of
the topic to be addressed, objectives, format, conditions for
participation (e.g. invitation, submission, free, etc), and a schedule
outline. Proposals addressing interdisciplinary topics and topics from
other domains than software development are especially encouraged.
Non-conventional formats are welcome.

Focus group proposals are reviewed by the program committee. Focus group
leaders are expected to write a report to be part of the final
conference proceedings.

*BoF ('Birds of a Feather')* is a shortening of the proverb "Birds of a
feather flock together.", meaning that people (birds) of the same kind
or interest (of a common feather) enjoy spending time (flocking) together.

BoF sessions are informal meetings, usually scheduled and organized

lately or even on site, where people group together based on a shared
interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda.
Everyone may propose a BOF session to the conference chairs, on or
before the conference.

*How to submit*
To participate please submit your idea or work-in-progress till *17th
August*, by email to plopsubmissions@hillside.net. The submission can be
as minimal as a 200-word abstract or a full paper under development.

*How to register*
PLoP online registration has opened on May 15 and will be possible till
August 19, 2007. We strongly encourage early registration for better
room arrangements and conference service.
URL: <hillside.net/plop/2007/index.php?nav=registration>

*Important dates*
Aug 12: Conference Drafts due
Aug 17: Writing Workshops submissions due
Aug 19: Early registration ends
Sep 5: First Day of PLoP

Program Chair: Joseph Yoder (The Refactory Inc., USA)
Conference Chair: Ademar Aguiar (FEUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

*More information*
For more detailed information, please visit the PLoP'07 website.

We will look forward for your participation.

Best regards,
Joseph Yoder and Ademar Aguiar
PLoP 2007 Chairs

P.S. If you think that this conference may be of interest to
colleagues, friends or communities to which you belong, please
forward on this email. Thank you.

PLoP is a trademark of The Hillside Group, Inc.
