
The Application Architecture Guide 2.0 Is Here!

AAG2FrontCover-Small The Application Architecture Guide 2nd Edition is finally available! The complete guide is hosted on MSDN here. We’ve sent the guide off to MS Press for printing, so the printed version should be available from your favorite bookstore soon.

Since the final draft of guide was published on CodePlex early this year, we’ve been busy driving the guide through a final set of reviews and polishing the content. Based on community and p&p team feedback we’ve restructured the guide to make it easier to read and understand. We’ve also removed some of the duplication and made it easier to find your way around so you can more easily find the information that’s relevant to you. We’ve also incorporated a lot of the feedback that we’ve received from the community on topics like Domain Driven Design and Cloud Computing. It’s taken us a little longer than we thought, but we hope you’ll agree that the wait was worth it.

Of course, there are so many elements that go into producing a guide of this scope that it clearly represents a team effort. In particular, the many members of the community and the p&p team who brought their technical expertise and experience to the guide deserve a special mention, along with our esteemed writer Alex Homer and the rest of our content team who drove the guide through the edit, layout, indexing, and publishing phases.

What’s next for the guide? Well, that’s up to you! We designed the guide so that it could be more easily updated; for new architectural techniques and approaches, for new technologies, and for new application types and scenarios. For example, we could add a Windows Azure application archetype, or update the technology matrices for the .NET 4.0 wave of technologies. In order for us to prioritize where we go next with the guide we need your feedback, so please send it along and let us know what you think.