
The comma operator

I went on a excellent C++ course earlier this year. I can’t claim to have ever been a professional C++ programmer – I dabble and I get by – so it is useful to attend such training from time to time to try and fill some more gaps in my knowledge. I learned lots of useful stuff, including ‘trivia’ such as the fact the the comma is actually a binary operator, albeit the most lowly precedence operator there is. (Apologies if you are the world’s greatest fan of the comma operator and in no way consider it trivial!).

The training was provided by DevelopMentor and the trainer was Leor Zolman, In addition to Leor’s delivery of the course materials it was great to hear his reminiscences about his work creating BDS C, a C compiler and development system for the 8080/Z80.

Some recommended reading from the course:

The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference

Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

Also, a couple of free eBooks “Thinking in C++” (in two volumes).




  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2011
    comma is a C operator.