
Notes from a dark corner

Debugging anything that uses clock cycles

Object doesn't support this property or method

This is a short post about a very strange support case I had. I should start by mentioning however...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 08/10/2009

Further Windows 7 stuff

Still continuing my Windows 7 theme, here are a few more bits and pieces.The first thing is an...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 08/10/2009

More on the mysterious case of accessing .NET Performance Counters using WMI

Back in February I blogged about a strange case we had seen where a customer was having trouble...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/23/2009

Windows 7 RTMs!

Following on the Windows 7 theme of the last few posts, the big one – Windows 7 has been...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/23/2009

More stuff for Windows 7 developers

The other day when I blogged about pre-ordering Windows 7 and how you could win prizes by writing...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/22/2009

Code for Windows 7 and get a prize!

So last week I blogged about how you could pre-order Windows 7 at a good price.Well this week I...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/20/2009

Developers! Windows 7 is coming soon and you can pre-order it now!

Order it today at a great priceI don’t usually make myself an advertising mouthpiece but as a...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/15/2009

Windows 7 network tracing with NETSH and ETW

Paul Long blogs about an interesting new diagnostic capability in Windows 7 and some enhanced...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/13/2009

Some ASP.NET, IIS and CLR fixes

My job involves a wide variety of stuff, from investigation, debugging, diagnosing and solving of...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 07/09/2009

On memory leaks…

If you have a rusty old bucket and it is overflowing because you put too much water in it, then you...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 06/17/2009


I was investigating an issue today and needed to create a kernel dump on demand in my repro machine,...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 06/12/2009

Help! Where’s my help?

Once you’ve installed Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 and read the readme (you do read readmes, now,...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 06/12/2009

Summary of ASP.NET Versions, Updates and Hotfixes

[Note: November 2010 Some recent fixes added] [Note: September 2009 I am in the process of trying to...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 05/28/2009

ASP.NET fixes page

This page is no longer being updated. Please see this page instead.[last update - 20th November 2007...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 05/28/2009

Debugging and Profiling API enhancements in CLR 4.0

There’s a very interesting interview been published on Channel 9 about the new and changed...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 05/27/2009

Must know info on PDB files…

I don’t think I’ve ever come across anything written by John Robbins that is not worth...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 05/27/2009

MIX09 sessions available online


Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 04/14/2009

UK IE8 ‘Compatibility Labs’ events

Do you live in the UK near Reading?Do you manage, maintain or develop a web site and are you working...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 04/08/2009

Getting started with building your Web 2.0 business

A new started kit “for planning, architecting, and implementing Web 2.0 applications and...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 03/13/2009

“Web server here” shell integration

This is a very useful and neat little...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 03/09/2009

Security topics

I am not a security expert but the following are some resource and links that I think are useful in...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 03/09/2009

Stop 0x0000007e in HTTP.SYS when using kernel mode authentication and you set appPoolCredentials=”true”

We’ve now published the KB article for a recent hotfix that I was involved in.I’m not...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 03/09/2009

Some recent ASP.NET fixes (March 2009)

[Updated 8th April 2009. I don’t generally like to change posts after they have been published...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 03/02/2009

Some .NET samples

A bit of a random link this, but I stumbled upon this list of .NET sample applications hosted on the...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/24/2009

Internet Explorer 8.0 Resources

Internet Explorer 8.0 is currently available as “RC1” or “Release Candidate...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/16/2009

.NET performance counters missing when using WMI to access them

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) among other things exposes to WMI clients performance...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/11/2009

What can you do with 10Kb?

When I first started computing it was on a machine with 14Kb ROM and 8Kb of RAM plus a tape deck for...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/10/2009

Escaping entries in ADPlus config files

This is a useful point I saw discussed recently on some internal email. So I thought I would blog it...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/09/2009

Hey, where's my session state gone?

This is from a case I helped a customer with last Autumn. It was one of those kick yourself moments...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/09/2009

"Error creating control - ControlInstanceName '[text]' could not be set on property 'PropertyName' " in Visual Studio 2008

One of the cases I've been working on recently is for an issue introduced by Microsoft .NET...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/04/2009

Recent updates for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

I wrote previously about fixes that are available for three issues that can occur when you install...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 02/04/2009

Answer to the Christmas brain teaser...

So at Christmas I posed a brain teaser. "0:001> .foreach ( greeting {s -[1]u 0 L?0xffffffff...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 01/06/2009

Performance Toolkit Presentation

I previously mentioned the Windows Performance Toolkit. At the WinHEC conference this year a...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/31/2008

InvalidUrl Error retrieving feed when using FeedDemon

This falls into the category of so obvious you kick yourself once you understand it. At least I...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/31/2008

Obvious but helpful

I find that dialogues tend to fall into four categories1) Clear, obvious and helpful2) Clear,...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/30/2008

Keeping up to date with Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0

Channel 9 is hosting a series of weekly video podcasts about Visual Studio 2010 / .NET Framework 4.0...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/29/2008

FTP server resets, WSAECONNABORTED (10053) and other nasty stuff on Windows Server 2003

If you are seeing issues where your Windows Server 2003 based FTP server is unexpectedly resetting...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/29/2008

Getting the .NET Framework made easy...

The Microsoft .NET Framework product group have been busy making it easier to find out about and...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/29/2008

A message to my readers...

0:001> .foreach ( greeting {s -[1]u 0 L?0xffffffff "Merry"} ) {.printf "%mu" , greeting } Merry...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/24/2008

ASP.NET food for thought...

Looking for some great ASP.NET information and learning resources? Here's a few ..ASP.NET...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/15/2008

KB957541, KB957542, KB957543 - CLR fixes available for direct download

Back in October I blogged about what's new in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. I also talked about 3 problems...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 12/04/2008

Fix available for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 localised IntelliSense problem

When Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Visual Studio 2008 came out it unfortunately introduced a problem...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/27/2008

Learn IIS7 : short tutorial videos available on IIS.NET, plus more

There is a lot of great information available to help you learn IIS7 over at IIS.NET.Also available...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/14/2008

Useful document about .NET Framework 2.0 Security

The US NSA have a free, unclassified, 300 page, very useful looking document about .NET Framework...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/14/2008

Bogus error messages during compilation of C# web projects after installing Visual Studio 2008 SP1

A fix has published for an issue whereby after installing Visual Studio 2008 SP1 you may see bogus...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/14/2008


Your application is running fine then one day it starts to fail with EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/12/2008

It's true - brain cells disappear with age..

I came across some old code that I wrote when I was about 17: The BBC Micro came with a built in...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/04/2008

Another pile of new stuff..

I've been a bit busy of late and new and interesting stuff keeps piling into my inbox without enough...

Author: Doug Stewart -MSFT Date: 11/03/2008

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