Finding the .NET version in a debug session
An interesting little question came up on one of our internal discussion groups today.
“How can I find in a debug session the version of the .NET runtime being used in the debuggee?”
[in an automated/scripted fashion and without using debugger extensions or symbols]
Here is what I came up with:
0:029> !for_each_module .if ( ($sicmp( "@#ModuleName" , "mscorwks") = 0) | ($sicmp( "@#ModuleName" , "mscorsvr") = 0) | ($sicmp( "@#ModuleName" , "clr") = 0)) {.echo @#ProductVersion}
- Anonymous
March 08, 2010
The !sos.EEVersion command will give you this information and more. For example: 0:000> !eeversion 2.0.50727.3082 retail Server mode with 8 gc heaps SOS Version: 2.0.50727.3053 retail build