
Nyt PowerShell User Group møde den 1/9

Dansk PowerShell User Group afholder møde i næste uge og har bedt os dele lidt om agendaen. (dag 2 er allerede udsolgt, men der er fortsat ledige pladser til den første dag) Se nedenstående invitation for yderligere detaljer

Learn all about Azure & PowerShell.

It is time for you to get out your calendars and mark the dates September 1st and 2nd

The Danish PowerShell user group is setting up a two-day event, where you will be able to learn all about automating operational and management tasks in Azure. We will take a deep dive into topics like Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Azure Automation, PowerShell Desired State Configuration--all the stuff that will bring you up to speed on the latest Azure technologies, and what you’ll need to know to manage it efficiently.

Day 1 September 1st from 9.00-16.00

We will start by introducing you to Azure PowerShell Modules. Learn what you need to be aware of and how to get started! This could save you from lots of extra work!

Then we will look at Azure Automation from the basics. Learn what this service is for and how to get started. Get introduced to the different features. (Hint: this service is free for up to 500 minutes every month!)

Next up is automated deployment of VMs and having them enabled for Azure backup as well using the Azure ARM PowerShell.

Then follows an introduction to Desired State Configuration (DSC) architecture and how to use it to manage your VMs in Azure using the Azure Powershell DSC Extension.

Finally we will go deeper into the Azure automation world, with some more complex examples and advanced subjects such as Integrating SharePoint workflows into the service and have the service execute PowerShell workflows code in your environment!




09:00 - 09:15


Claus Thude Nielsen - @Claustn

09:15 - 10:15

Session 1

Azure+PowerShell: Two Shades of Blue Aleksandar Nikolić - @alexandair When you want to manage repetitive Azure IaaS tasks and processes efficiently, Azure Portals are not good enough. You cannot even perform some of the tasks using GUIs. We will talk about how to use PowerShell, PowerShell Workflow-based Azure Automation, and Azure PowerShell DSC Extension to automate tasks in Azure. With automation, IT costs can be reduced and efficient deployments are made possible.

10:15- 10:30

Break 1

10:30 - 11:30

Session 2

Azure Automation – Introduction Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen - @JakobGSvendsen Learn about the new cloud based automation solution from Microsoft Azure! Get an introduction to the basics and learn your way around this service.

11:30 - 12:15

Break 2 - Lunch

12:15 - 13:15

Session 3

Protectiong workload with Azure Backup and monitor it with OMS Flemming Riis - @FlemmingRiis

Session will cover provisioning of virtual machines through powershell and Azure UI, then creating protection groups and doing backup / recovery

And adding the machines to Microsoft Operations Management Suite

13:15 - 13:30

Break 3

13:30 - 14:30

Session 4

Managing Microsoft Azure IaaS with Windows PowerShell DSC Aleksandar Nikolić - @alexandair When you need to quickly provision and reliably manage environment on Microsoft Azure nothing beats automation. Learn how to manage Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines and prevent their configuration drift using Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration.

14:30 - 14:45

Break 4

14:45 - 15:45

Session 5

Azure Automation – Deep Dive Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen - @JakobGSvendsen Get deeper knowledge about the services offered by Azure Automation. Using the graphical interface. Using Web Hooks. Using the Hybrid Worker for on-prem actions.

15:45 - 16:00



Signup Day 1




Microsoft Danmark

Tuborg Blvd. 12, 2900 Hellerup