
Azure: Links on how to work with SQL Express and Azure using VS 2015 on Windows 10

  1. Create an ASP.NET MVC app with auth and SQL DB and deploy to Azure App Service
  2. Seeding and Debugging Entity Framework (EF) DBs
  3. Code First Migrations
  4. Code! MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google OAuth2 Sign-on (C#)
  5. Register your app to use Microsoft account for authentication


As you work on your project (see: Problem Statement), you get more additional items from your boss, who is still somewhere in the South Pacific.  Since you haven’t heard from your boss, you know that you will need to be able to use a record management database system like Microsoft SQL or MySQL.

So let’s take a look at the sources that can make the Microsoft SQL happen with VS 2015 Community,


  • Using the Source, Create an ASP.NET MVC app with auth and SQL DB and deploy to Azure App Service, you will be able to implement a simple SQL Express Local Database and then publish that database into the cloud.  I worked through the entire article and with only a few problems, I was able to work through it without any problems using VS 2015 Community.

    • Problems:

    • For some reason NuGet would throw errors when using commands like enable-migrations.

    • Fix: Would disappear when I restarted the computer. 

  • Out of version Nuget packages

    • Fix: Make sure to update your NuGet packages
  • But really there were no problems with this article and you should be able to implement an ASP.NET MVC app with Oauth, SQL DB that is deployed to an Azure App. 


If you have been putting off digging into MVC, this is an excellent article for you to work up as a lab. 

  • With the exception of the OAuth presentation by Google, the article worked with both Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015 Community 2015 RC, Version 14.0.22823.1 D14REL, .NET Framework version 4.6.0076.
  • The article is somewhat delicate when it comes to naming, but this is a small issue. 
    • The fact that the Rick-Anderson makes it clear you need to be careful about naming is quite useful. 
  • You should plan on at least three hours to work through this article. 
  • It is a worthwhile use of your time and your Web Apps (Web Sites) will be much more secure if you do so.