Modifier & VBA Articles & Links
This is a page to provide links to Modifier & VBA related articles and materials. Note that articles which mention specific versions are often valid for other versions as well.
Knowledge Base (KB) Articles
How to use an ActiveX Data Object (ADO) with VBA on a report in Microsoft Dynamics GP (KB 954619)
Formats Not Exported to .Package Files (KB 851092)
Type mismatch error comparing currency fields in VBA (KB 843656)
Training Materials
Modifier with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0
Direct download of archive file
Note: The training materials are for version 9.0. Don't worry, this is the latest version and everything is still valid for later versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP and Dexterity.
26-Apr-2011: Added direct link to training materials.
July 24, 2008
The Modifier & VBA Articles & Links page and the Dexterity Articles & Links page have beenAnonymous
October 20, 2008
Over the years I have had many requests for training on the various tools available for customising orAnonymous
May 05, 2009
Where can i down load the full version of econnect for GP10. i.e version which will create the objects in database.Anonymous
May 05, 2009
Hi Tell. The database objects for eConnect are now (with GP 10.0) automatically installed by the standard server install for GP. If you need to re-install just the eConnect objects, a Database Maintenance tool was created for this purpose. This tool is installed with GP client for 10.0 SP2 or later. ScottAnonymous
May 12, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 12, 2010
Hi Tracy I would say that your code references some external object or resource that is not installed on the target machine. Check your code for external references. As this is a blog "comments" section and not a support site, if you have further questions then log a support incident or post your question to the public newsgroups or forum. DavidAnonymous
April 06, 2011
Is there a way to loop through a grid using vba?Anonymous
April 07, 2011
Hi Natalie For your other comment (which I have deleted) on why VBA does not work, I would look at the following KB article, or log a support case. Blog comments is not a good method of providing support. As for looping through a grid. Your best choice (if possible) is to open a detail window (for example Sales Item Detail Entry from the Sales Transaction Entry window) and use the browse buttons to go to the start and then move through the data. If no expansion window is available, then use VBA SendKeys command to either use down arrow to move through or focus to the last editable field and send a tab. I will write a blog post on this later DavidAnonymous
March 03, 2015
In the desktop application it is possible using Modifier and VBA to implement a customization on a form. Do such modifications propagate to the Web Client, Is it possible to implement similar modifications to forms in the Web Client.Anonymous
March 03, 2015
Web Client - Modifier In the desktop application it is possible using Modifier and VBA to implement a customization on a form. Do such modifications propagate to the Web Client, Is it possible to implement similar modifications to forms in the Web Client.Anonymous
March 09, 2015
Hi Clive You can use Modifier to change the form and that will work on the web client (as it is Dexterity based). However, VBA code will not work as Visual Basic for Applications is not supported on the web client. Instead, you can use Visual Studio Tools and V# or VB.Net to add your scripting. This will work on the web client. DavidAnonymous
January 19, 2016
I like your blog. I enjoyed reading your blog. It was amazing. Thanks a lot.Anonymous
January 28, 2016
Hi image sensor Thanks for the feedback. David