
Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift 2013

David Meego - Click for blog homepage

If you have been hiding under a rock, you might not know that the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift 2013 hosted by GP Partner Connections will happening in Fargo, North Dakota, USA on the 18th to 20th September 2013. So, if you did not know already... you do now!

Go to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift 2013 website for all the details.

Here is the direct link to Register for the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift 2013

Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift 2013 is the event of the year for technical product announcements and insight!

Partners attending Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift will have exclusive access to what is coming in the world of Dynamics GP – months before others will get to see and/or use the features and functionality.

Attendees won’t want to miss Friday’s General Session; “The Future: Microsoft Dynamics GP – Close the week with a WOW!”, featuring the big reveal of upcoming apps, features, and technology that the Microsoft Dynamics GP development team has been keeping under wraps.

Technical Airlift 2013 provides an unparalleled look at the future direction of Dynamics GP for the next several years. Get a jump start on training and strategy for your business – register for Technical Airlift today!

Reserve your seat today!

For even more in-depth training covering four special topics, join us on September 17, for our Support Pre-Conference Training. We will have four full-day tracks focused on HR/Payroll, Web Client, Accelerated Demos, and Reporting/BI. Pre-Conference Training attendees will be eligible for up to 7 CPE credits! Click here for more information.

To help you understand the value of attending the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Airlift 2013, Jay Manley has posted a Reason to Attend Series.

Below are the Conference related posts from the Inside Dynamics GP blog, so far:


Sadly, I can't make the conference this year, but you should go as there is lots to see and do. 

Make sure you attend Belinda Allen and Leslie Vail's session on the Support Debugging Tool.

