
Conta no Hotmail: + 10 anos

Isto mesmo, olha o email que recebi hoje ;-) Tô ficando velho…..


Windows Live

Thanks for using Hotmail for 10+ years!

That's right!

It's been roughly a decade since you registered your Hotmail® account, and we just want to say thank you.

You've witnessed many dramatic improvements to Hotmail since it launched. Just imagine what the next 10 years will bring!

Back around the time you started using Hotmail...

Windows ® 98

Windows® 98

Was the hot new operating system!



Broke every box-office record imaginable.

The Spice Girls

The Spice Girls

Were rocking stadiums from London to LA!

Today's Hotmail is more than just e-mail. Now with Hotmail you can:

Organize and share! Use Quick add to easily share maps, restaurants, movies, and more.

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Share your photos! Upload your photos and share them with friends at Windows Live™ Photos.

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Stay in touch! Get your friend updates in one place with the "What's New" feed.

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