
An Architect Makes It To The Big Show

A stagehand in The Big Show pontificates on Data Science, Big Data, Hadoop, and everything that is hot right now.

SQL Server Developer Tools, Codename “Juneau” Available Now!

  After a lot of hard work by the team, the CTP3 bits for SQL Server Developer Tools, Codename...

Date: 07/13/2011

Thinking About SQL Server Developer Tools, Codename “Juneau”– Part 1

<Disclaimer> Folks that are familiar with Visual Studio 2010 SQL Server database projects will...

Date: 06/04/2011

Reducing System TCO with Modifiability Analysis

Even though I currently work as Program Manager I spent most of my career working as a software...

Date: 05/30/2011

See SQL Server Developer Tools, Codename “Juneau” In Action

This blog has been dark for 7 months as I’ve been working on the next generation of Microsoft’s...

Date: 05/28/2011

And Now For Something Completely Different

Unfortunately this blog has been quite dark in the past months as I’ve been heads down doing PM work...

Date: 10/01/2010

SQL Server Modeling Nov 2009 CTP R3 Released!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the SQL Server Modeling Nov 2009 CTP has been refreshed to R3...

Date: 04/20/2010

Querying Microsoft.Uml2 for Class Data – Part 2

In part 1 of this series I illustrated querying the Microsoft.Uml2 domain to get class data. In...

Date: 03/27/2010

Sample Data for the System.Identity Domain

As I’ve written about previously, I’m a big fan of the possibilities of the System.Identity domain...

Date: 03/26/2010

Querying Microsoft.Uml2 for Class Data – Part 1

I’ve decided to write a series of blog posts about working with the Microsoft.Uml2 domain, focusing...

Date: 03/08/2010

Rule Archetype Pattern in SQL Modeling Services – Part 5

In this last post of the series, I’ll wrap up the loose ends around populating Contoso’s business...

Date: 02/07/2010

Rule Archetype Pattern in SQL Modeling Services – Part 4

As I noted in Part 3 of this series, the subject of this post will be the work necessary to deploy...

Date: 01/26/2010

Will Modeling Services Work with My UML Tool?

<Author’s note>At the first of the year I started a sweet new gig working on the Modeling...

Date: 01/21/2010

Rule Archetype Pattern in SQL Modeling Services – Part 3

As I mentioned last time, this subject of this post will be wiring up all the Modeling Services...

Date: 01/03/2010

Rule Archetype Pattern in SQL Modeling Services – Part 2

I realized that there was a significant oversight in my last post of this series – namely a specific...

Date: 12/29/2009

Rule Archetype Pattern in SQL Modeling Services – Part 1

I’ve been playing around with SQL Server Modeling Services and Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 quite bit...

Date: 12/26/2009

Software Architecture & the Modeling Services Repository

As I wrote about last time, I’ve been watching a number of PDC Videos to see what Microsoft’s been...

Date: 12/19/2009

System.Identity & the Repository in action at PDC

For any number of reasons I’m just now catching up on my PDC videos. Among the many that interest me...

Date: 12/09/2009

Fluent Interface for System.Identity – Party Implementation (Part 1)

This latest post on developing a fluent interface for the Oslo System.Identity schema will start an...

Date: 09/28/2009

A Real World Use For Oslo

I’m going to take a small detour from my series on a fluent interface for Oslo’s System.Identity...

Date: 09/19/2009

Fluent Interface for System.Identity – Kind’s Expression Builder

<Author’s Note> It’s been quite a while since my last blog post. The reason for the gap was...

Date: 09/13/2009

Fluent Interface for System.Identity – M, Persistence, & GetHashCode()

As I wrote about last time, leveraging the System.Identity schema with the Oslo Repository...

Date: 07/23/2009

Fluent Interface for System.Identity – M, Persistence, & Equals()

As I wrote in Part 2 of the series, System.Identity ships in the latest Oslo CTP as part of the Oslo...

Date: 07/10/2009

Fluent Interface for System.Identity – Kind Command-Query API

Part 1 of this series functioned as an introduction to the motivations for creating a fluent...

Date: 06/23/2009

Fluent Interface for System.Identity – The Basics

<Author’s Note> A very talented Developer I know just recently gave me some very succinct...

Date: 06/14/2009

The Formal Goodness of Agile Software Architecture – Part 2

In Part 1 of this short series I discussed an article that proposes the Intensional/Locality Thesis...

Date: 06/11/2009

The Formal Goodness of Agile Software Architecture – Part 1

The purely addictive aspects of working at The Big Show for a geek like me cannot be underestimated....

Date: 06/10/2009

Oslo “M” Graphs and Inheritance

In my last post I explored the subject of applying Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) concept to...

Date: 06/05/2009

Modeling Inheritance in Oslo’s “M”

As I recently posted, I’m very intrigued by the potential of the Oslo platform to democratize the...

Date: 06/03/2009

Oslo Really is About Model-Driven Development

As I’ve wrote about previously, I’ve flipped the bit on Oslo and I’m currently very excited about...

Date: 05/29/2009

Oslo May CTP Has Improved System.Identity!

The Oslo team released the May 2009 CTP yesterday. For those that are interested in Oslo in general,...

Date: 05/28/2009

Implementing UML Associations and Oslo’s System.Identity

As I really don’t have much of a life I was reading an academic paper this evening by Anneke Kleppe....

Date: 05/22/2009

Exploring the Party Model with Oslo’s System.Identity – Part 3

In Part 1 of this series we covered the basics of how Oslo’s System.Identity implements the Party...

Date: 05/20/2009

Exploring the Party Model with Oslo’s System.Identity – Part 1

It occurred to me the other day that I asserted that the Party Model is a “Good Thing” without...

Date: 05/12/2009

Some Oslo Goodness – System.Identity Implements the Party Model!

There does exist some controversy right now in the blogosphere around Oslo. As I indicated...

Date: 05/02/2009

DSL DevCon Takeaways

Those who have worked with me know that I’m totally into “Architecty” stuff like UML modeling,...

Date: 04/23/2009

Inaugural Post

Now that I’ve been working at Microsoft (aka “The Big Show”) for 6 months, I figured it was time to...

Date: 04/17/2009