
How To Setup New Azure Cloud Services Account For Free

Last week I presented at the final event of the series where we talked about Azure cloud services.  At this event we showed people how they might be able save significant money by moving some of there current pipeline application deployments to the cloud. Perhaps you can even get some projects off the ground that are on hold due to lack of funding? I wanted to do a post on how to go about setting up a test account and I came across a recent post by my friend and colleague Jim O'Neil. Since he pretty much covered everything that I would have put in my post (and more... nice job Jim). I can save a bunch of work by just pointing you to his awesome post.

Please, please, please… Make sure you turn off the service when it is not in use.  You do not leave all the lights, stereo and TV on in your home when you go away for the day or the week do you?  If you do you are wasting a bunch of money on electricity! The same principal applies to cloud services, do not leave your service running when it is not in use.

PS.  You could win a laptop in the process :)