
ExchangeGuy on Exchange 2007 and 2010 – Very Impressed!

Lee Benjamin (The ExchangeGuy) has been working with Exchange 2010 and is ready to give some feedback so I thought I would share it with you. Lee has found the value in using Hyper-V for testing and deployment.  If you want to see what he thinks of Hyper-V check out this post.  


Lee says, “Even in the down economy customers realize the importance of the email infrastructure and are wanting to take advantage of exchange 2007”. Recently he completed a 1000+ user deployment with Exchange 2007 SP1 at a local college. They were moved off of a Unix SMTP/IMAP system. “There were no significant issues with the deployment.” He used client side migration using Outlook PST files. The final step was to setup the profiles to use OST as the default and use the PST as the backup (or copy the mail to the server). He says that they also have Mac's in the environment so they are eagerly waiting for the next version and Entourage to get rid of WebDAV.  Lee has Exchange 2010 Beta up and running in his lab. He is “very impressed” with the product which has “many new neat features” and is incredibly stable. He is continuing to deploy Exchange 2007 to customers while he thoroughly tests, gives feedback and awaits the eventual release of Exchange 2010.

A big THANKS goes out to Lee for his contribution in helping Microsoft make our products better by being involved in the Early Adopter (Momentum) Program. Let me introduce Lee to you. Lee is the “ExchangeGuy”.  He is owner and Messaging Architect for ExchangeGuy Consulting. He lives in the NE US and is very active in the local technology community. He is the President of the Exchange Server User Group in Boston.  He is on the board for several other user groups including Boston Area Windows Server User Group, Virtualization Group – Boston, and Boston User Groups. Lee has been awarded the Microsoft MVP award and is assisting Culminis with helping the worldwide IT Pro community. Lee is a recognized Exchange guru, consultant, author and instructor with over 20 years email experience.