
First AD user group meeting with superstar John Craddock!

As mentioned in my post yesterday, the Active Directory user group is now running and they have announced their first meeting. What I am most impressed with is that they have managed to secure John Craddock and Sally Storey, so we worth making the time to attend!

When: 23rd October 2008
Where: Microsoft's London offices in Cardinal Place.

The internationally recognised Active Directory expert John Craddock ably assisted by Sally Storey will be talking about Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 and Read Only Domain Controllers (RODC's), the session will be full of demonstrations and attendee interaction.

Please register by emailing your details to registration@adug.co.uk with London ADUG Meeting in the subject line. Subscription to adug.co.uk is mandatory for admission to the meeting. Logistics will follow in a confirmation email.