
Windows Server 2003 Cluster - 如何將一個第三方的服務設定成 Generic Clustered Service

參考文件: https://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;292542

Configuration two: Use a Generic Cluster Service to allow the cluster service to control the 3rd party service
In this configuration, set up 3rd party service as a Generic Cluster Service in Cluster Administrator.

To set up 3rd party service as a Generic Cluster Service, do the following:
1.    Open the Cluster Administrator.
2.    Create a new group for your 3rd party application/service
3.    Right-click the Group, click New, and then click Resource.
    a)    Name the New Resource "MsgrVirtualIP" 
    b)    Select IP Address as the Resource Type, and then click Next.
    c)    Select both Nodes as Possible Owners, and then click Next.
    d)    In Dependencies click Next.
    e)    Assign IP Address, Subnet Mask and Network interface for the resource and then click Finish.
4.    Right-click the Group, click New, and then click Resource. 
    a)    Name the New Resource "MsgrVirtualName"
    b)    Select Network Name as the Resource Type, and then click Next.
    c)    Select both Nodes as Possible Owners, and then click Next.
    d)    In Dependencies, add "MsgrVirtualIP" to the Resource dependencies list and then click Next. 
    e)    Assign a Name (here I use "CLUSTERMSGR") and then click to check the DNS Registration Must Succeed check box and then click Finish.
5.    Right-click the Group, click New, and then click Resource. 
    a)    Name the New Resource "MsgrSvc"
    b)    Select Generic Service as the Resource Type, and then click Next.
    c)    Select both Nodes as Possible Owners, and then click Next.
    d)    In Dependencies, add "MsgrVirtualName" to the Resource dependencies list and then click Next.
    e)    In Generic Service Parameters, type a proper service name in the Service Name field, (I have chosen "Messenger" service as my service) leave the Start Parameter blank, click to check the Use Network Name for Computer Name check box, and then click Next.
    f)    Add registry paths to replicate in Registry Replication if there is any, and then click Finish.
6.    Bring the new service online.
7.    Test fail over by moving the new Group between both nodes and verify that the Messenger service is coming online