
SCVMM 2008 R2 Console crashes unexpectedly



We add specific Hyper-V host(s), the adding job was able to complete the agent installation process but it got stuck at refreshing host stage (Job stopped at 66%)

We reopen the SCVMM console, console will crash in about 20 seconds

We also noticed the VMMService stopped after console crashes




Hyper-V host was configured with DHCP, which receives the incorrect DNS suffix from DHCP server

The correct suffix should be "mgmt.domain.com.tw", not "domain.com.tw"


乙太網路卡 區域連線 4:

   連線特定 DNS 尾碼 . . . . . . . . : domain.com.tw

   描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 區域連線 - 虛擬網路

   實體位址 . . . . . . . . . . . . .: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

   DHCP 已啟用 . . . . . . . . . . . : 是

   自動設定啟用 . . . . . . . . . . .: 是

   IPv4 位址 . . . . . . . . . . . . : w.x.y.z(偏好選項)

   子網路遮罩 . . . . . . . . . . . .: w.x.y.z

   租用取得 . . . . . . . . . . . . .:

   租用到期 . . . . . . . . . . . . .:

   預設閘道 . . . . . . . . . . . . .: w.x.y.z

   DHCP 伺服器 . . . . . . . . . . . : 192.168.y.z

   DNS 伺服器 . . . . . . . . . . . .: w.x.y.z

   主要 WINS 伺服器 . . . . . . . . .: w.x.y.z

   NetBIOS over Tcpip . . . . . . . .: 啟用




Configure the host to use static IP and confirmed the incorrect DNS suffix is removed.

Removed and rejoined the host from SCVMM console

This time refresh succeeded and console did not crash




遇到的問題是DsGetDcName(domain.com.tw) failed (指定的網域可能不存在或無法連線。)


4892 00004890 103.41551971 [2096] 0830.0C54::03/11-10:48:45.176#04:WsmanAPIWrapper.cs(593): WsmanAPIWrapper::CreateSession: going to use custom timeout for wsman operations: 300 secs.

4893 00004891 103.75351715 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.439#09:NetLocationAwareness.cs(132): DsGetDcName(domain.com.tw) failed

4894 00004892 103.75393677 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.439#09:NetLocationAwareness.cs(132): System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: 指定的網域可能不存在或無法連線。

4895 00004893 103.75393677 [2096] 於 Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.Adhc.NetworkLocationAwareness.TryGetDomainInfo(DiscoveredNetworkAdapter adapter)

4896 00004894 103.75707245 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.445#04:VirtualManagerService.cs(428): Unhandled exception received by service

4897 00004895 103.75714874 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.445#04:VirtualManagerService.cs(431): The CLR is terminating this process if this is true: True

4898 00004896 103.75723267 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.445#04:VirtualManagerService.cs(435): Unhandled exception.

4899 00004897 103.75965118 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.447#04:VirtualManagerService.cs(435): System.NullReferenceException: 並未將物件參考設定為物件的執行個體

4907 00004905 103.75965118 [2096] 於 System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)

4908 00004906 103.77177429 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.521#04:VirtualManagerService.cs(488): Attempting to abort Indigo service host and release open communication ports.

4909 00004907 103.77182770 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.521#04:VirtualManagerService.cs(492): Ready to abort the indigo service host and release open communication ports.

4910 00004908 103.77197266 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.521#25:sqmSession.cs(92): Getting Instance for session Engine

4911 00004909 103.77203369 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.521#25:sqmSession.cs(96): Found session Engine

4912 00004910 103.77386475 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.525#25:sqmSession.cs(290): Ending session with release handleEngine

4913 00004911 103.77831268 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.547#25:sqmSession.cs(130): Removing session Engine

4914 00004912 103.78348541 [2096] 0830.07E4::03/11-10:48:45.574#04:ServiceHost.cs(85): Entering ServiceHost.Abort()

4921 00004919 103.80919647 [2992] Problem: 與 Virtual Machine Manager 伺服器 localhost 失去連線。

4922 00004920 103.80919647 [2992] Action: 1) 請確認 localhost 已連線,且可從您的電腦存取,然後再次嘗試連線。

4923 00004921 103.80919647 [2992] 2) 請確認 localhost 已啟動 Virtual Machine Manager 服務,然後再次嘗試連線。如果問題持續發生,請重新啟動 Virtual Machine Manager 服務。