
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: MSDN Webcast on mfLY! for Visual Studio 2008 is coming up on 5/13

It’s time for another MSDN Webcast. On Wednesday, May 2009, at 10 AM PST, Randy Starr, VP of Technology at BlueDot Solutions will talk about mfLY!® for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. mFly® provides a model/view/controller Framework add-on to Visual Studio 2008 that significantly enhances the development experience, quality, and re-usability of managed Windows Mobile (and Microsoft Windows) applications through a unique set of designers, template and frameworks.

Watch Randy demonstrate the primary features of mfLY! and see how it can help you improve the quality and time to market of your mobile projects.

To register for this webcast, click on this link: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=1032415506&EventCategory=4&culture=en-US&CountryCode=US.

