
Availability Management Pack issues with 05.0.5000.0000 Aug 31 release

Several issues have been discovered with the Availability Management Pack release 05.0.5000.0000. As a result we have taken steps to address these in a maintenance release which will be available on our download site as soon as it can be arranged. This release will be 05.0.5000.0001.

Issues that will be addressed in this release:

  • Fresh installs on the MP can result in the error 0x80040e37 (E_NOTABLE) returned by the ReliabilityAnalysisReporting Windows task (MRASLoader.exe). An updated Availability Reporting.akm is provided as a solution. This management pack will need to be imported with the Replace option and the Computer Groups associated again with the top level rule group as discussed in the Availability Reporting MP Guide.
  • Report generation may be delayed longer than necessary. As a solution, an updated MOM_MRAS.MSI is provided. The previous version of the MSI will need to be uninstalled (this will not remove data from the SystemCenterReporting database) and this updated version installed.

As a measure to provide relief while the re-release is in progress the updated version of the Availability Reporting.akm file is provided here. Once this management pack is imported associate the required Computer Groups with the Availability Reporting top level rule group as discussed in the MP guide. It will be necessary to wait until the Availability Service Discovery script within the MP executes (daily at 00:23) and then the next execution of the SystemCenterDTSPackageTask. Once this has taken place subsequent execution of the ReliabilityAnalysisReporting task should execute normally.





