Upcoming Technet Events in California...
I will be delivering 3 Technet events in California over the next month. I am really looking forward to being back in California again to re-connect with people in my old stomping grounds! We will be discussing Software + Services, System Center Configuration Manager, and System Center Virtual Machine Manager.
I like to use my own production systems for demos whenever I can so you will get to see what my home SCVMM system looks like as a part of the demos. I have been slowly virtualizing my home network and should be just about complete when I get to the first event. It doesn't take a "super server" to run SCVMM and you will see that at the sessions. In fact, you can build out a hearty test system for $500-$800 bucks!
Main Registration site and Session Details
I look forward to seeing you ate the events!
February 05, 2009
It's good to see that MS is finally holding the Technet events in SD again.Anonymous
February 05, 2009
Nice to hear that the Technet events are being held in SD again.Anonymous
February 05, 2009
I am really looking forward to being back in SoCal again! I plan on spending an extra day there so can see houw things have changed. if anyone wants to get together for lunch or dinner, please let me know! chris